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Everything posted by 12poundbass

  1. I’ve been a Bills fan since the Jim Kelly days. It was a bitter sweet time back then. Glad to see them doing good now.
  2. When did you get rid of the Super Duty? ?
  3. Thank god I’m not the only one!
  4. While I agree with your sentiment, 20 grand for 2 feet is a lot of money Holy ?20k for 2’! There’s no way I could justify spending that much for only 2’.
  5. You can’t get across the English Channel in a rowboat. “I should’ve gotten a smaller boat” said, no one ever
  6. Research all the brands, learn about the features each brand has. Go to a store and play around with them. I’m a budget guy and Garmin had the best bang for the buck. YouTube is your friend. The more reading and learning you do about the units you’re going to buy the happier you’ll be with your purchases.
  7. I need to quit ordering ‘stuff’ so there’s money in the piggy bank at the end of the year for this sale. I placed an order last night, so I guess I’ll try the piggy bank thing again tomorrow. ?
  8. https://www.amazon.com/Garmin-Striker-4-Portable-Kit/dp/B017NI1IJI
  9. I rarely use spinning, yet I bought a new spinning set up last weekend. I plan on using them more this year....I’ve said that the last three winters. ?
  10. Yep, I heard yesterday that we’re 34” below our average snowfall.
  11. Is your TM a Tour? Xi5? Are you happy with it?
  12. New electronics. One is already on its way.
  13. It’s 40 and cloudy here in Michigan. Not much snow left on the ground either, there’s none south of Grand Rapids from what I’ve seen. Rain snow mix tomorrow and almost 40 again. I hope winter doesn’t go on and on either. Two winters ago we barely had a trace of snow at this time. Then the end of January the winter flood gates opened and it went on for what seemed like forever. Winter can’t last too long. I will have some new toys that require open water!
  14. Being a hermit isn’t all that bad. The world will keep turning if you don’t have a clue what’s going on in the world. It tends to spin a little better actually. Try it, I promise you’ll like it. I’ve gotten so sick of all the bull? I tell everyone as long as a deposit goes in my account every other Friday I don’t care what’s going on. It’s sad it’s came to that but it isn’t all that bad.
  15. Throughout my 37 years on this rock I can say I’ve never had more than a few sips of coffee. My go to in my younger years was MT. Dew to wake me up.
  16. And once again I learned something new. Yesterday it was the porcelain bird in the pie, today it’s a 10 lb brick in water weighs 6.6 lbs.
  17. It was really nice seeing the sun today. All 5 minutes of it! ?
  18. I didn’t even know it was up and running yet. Glad to hear. Shipping from California is painfully slow.
  19. I thought this was The Who’s Drinking tonight thread for a minute. ?
  20. Yep. Aluminum one at that. I don’t ask for much, especially from people I’ve never met. ?
  21. Will you buy me a Vexus if you win both? Buddy ole pal.
  22. I did not know that. You learn something new every day.
  23. I can only imagine the chaos that snow created in San Antonio! Tamales sound good right about now!
  24. I’ve only seen three lakes so far that have ice anglers on it, including my lake. The temp is very deceiving here. It says 28, but with the windchill factored in it feels like 15. I’ve said it a million times, the cold isn’t what really bothers me, it’s that d**n wind! Give me 0 and no wind and I’m fine. 32 and breezy, nope I’m done and staying inside if I can. I just spent an hour locating an entire street out and now I’m thawing myself out. ??
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