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About TheRodFather

  • Birthday 05/26/1979

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  • Location
    North Carolina
  • My PB
    Between 7-8 lbs
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Anywhere I'm getting bit.

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  1. TheRodFather


  2. I live in the Triangle (Raleigh/Durham/Chapel hill). There is a lot of fish-able water here, a lot of pleasure boaters, and a lot of economic growth so lots of trade/construction work. But it is a rat race. If you are used to a slower pace of life like I was, originally coming from Lancaster Pennsylvania, this will be a culture shock. Don't let the internet fool you, cost of living is much higher here, if you are willing to drive an hour (not including traffic), the cost of living is very competitive, to quite low. But the jobs aren't in those places, and traffic with give you a 1-2hr drive to work and then home. Average home cost is over 300k in Apex where I live, we settled here for now due to good schools, but unless you are college educated and work in big pharma or tech in the research triangle, it is tough to find a good paying job with benefits that doesn't work you to death that could be considered a career. Good Manufacturing jobs that you can put 20-30-40 years in and retire are for the most part nonexistent here. I started over doing a plumbing apprenticeship, and I make very good money at this point (more than I did after working 17 years at RR Donnelley in Lancaster, but I can't keep up this pace for long (married, kids, etd). We are moving to FL soon to help care for my wifes parents, and take over their nursury. I will not have fond memories of living in the triangle.
  3. The Ultra units have two ethernet connections, so you can do panoptix and network with one other Plus or Ultra unit, and not have to have the network hub, once you go to a third unit, you need the hub. Plus to plus will work but no panoptix. Plus to panoptix will work. Two ultra units would give you panoptix, network between the ultra units, and a spare ethernet jack to hook to another unit. Dont quote me on that though. My older CV transducer on the transom, from the 73plus on the console will not work when plugged into the Ultra, due to the software needed to stitch together the side image from the CV transducers. My 73 and ultra are networked, but I forget if I can view the CV (transom) from the ultra. I think I can though. Very confusing, I know.
  4. Thank you guys, I will check those things and report back when I get a chance
  5. Thank you for the link, but my boat/motor isnt anywhere close to the choices in the dropdown.
  6. I am ignorant to prop selection. My boat is an 84 Landau Magnum TR, it is a 17ft aluminum with what seems like the same or very similar hull to a tracker of that era. It has a 70hp Merc that has a fresh 30 over rebuild on it as of last summer. It has always seemed like it revs pretty quick, gets on plane quick, but top speed isn't really anything to write home about. In fact I never really reved it above about 4.5k because there just never seemed to be any resistance and I was afraid it was going to over rev. I realize that the timing sets the max rpm, but like I said, it just didn't seem to be working all that hard for the revs. It will get on plane quick and then stay on plane even if I bring revs back to 3k or so, so that's what I usually did to save gas, and because of the worn upper motor mounts it had since I bought the boat. I replaced the motor mounts when I did the rebuild, the old ones the rubber bushings (uppers) were broken, the top of the power head could move forward and back about an inch because the rubber connecting the inner and outer sleeves sheared. They were captured mechanically, by design, so I ran it, but it always made me a little Leary about going fast but now that everything is tightened back up, I am curious to know if there is more to be had with the combo. This being my first boat, and not having ridden in many, I don't really know how it "should" feel. What are some things that would tell me the current prop is a good fit, or not?
  7. You don't try to sell Glenn. It is funny (sad), to watch the progression of some of the personalities on Youtube. They start out with older stuff and are making videos for the pure enjoyment and betterment of themselves and others. And over time, some sponsor stuff starts to show up and patterns of gear emerge. Then at some point it becomes flagrant. Flukemaster is one that comes to mind, don't get me wrong, I love his videos and I have learned a lot, but he is all up in the sponsorship money at this point. Remember when he threw Ducket and Abu cause he loved them? Then Biospawn showed up in his vids. Last I looked he was overflowing with the rod and reel brand that won't be named. I don't blame him I suppose, he is doing what he feels he has to do to stay in the spotlight to get his message out. Which isn't a terrible thing I guess. I think that's why the Googan squad is so despised though, they are (or appear to be) the biggest sellouts to come along in a while. Fishermen are generally not the type to follow celebrity happenings, but that bait and tackle monkey get the best of us ? Just my Opinion.
  8. I agree with everything others have said about the internet. One thing I haven't seen mentioned is that you have to be careful with your expectations (well, I do anyway). What I mean is you are watching a guy on a 7 minute video, throwing the bait that the video is depicting how it is used, where, why etc. And the guy catches 5 or 6 fish, all in 7 minutes....... So you think, wow that bait really slayed em, I need to get that! But obviously, the guy most likely spent an entire day of hundreds of casts and hours of editing footage of nothing but casting to get that action packed 7 minutes. It's the instant gratification nature of society these days IMO, as long as you understand that you are going to have to put the work in, and understand that the knowledge found on the internet is a (very) useful tool, but not the miracle magic bullet, then you can approach fishing with the necessary patience needed to do well at it, and enjoy it.
  9. Well, combining fishing and scuba wasn't really my intention, but I suppose you are right, that is a path that could be taken.
  10. Interesting, no way to tell if I would be one one of those guys I guess, I do have a good amount of snorkeling experience. I used to love staying down as long as I could checking stuff out in the pool. And in the ocean when we would vacation there. I never panicked or anything, but I guess you never know until.
  11. I have had to put this on the back burner for now (this is like the third time I have bought the "personal" equipment, arggg). What do you mean by "can't"? Like a health thing, coordination thing, or claustrophobia thing? Someday.
  12. Who said anything about gender stereotypes? People, men or women can be and do whatever the heck they want, in my book. Feminist don't need a man to carry their groceries, why does a man need somebody to carry his groceries, is the question I'm asking. It's not a gender thing, it's a get off your a$$ and pull your own weight thing. But if you want to get into that, then OK. Civilizations and humans have been around for many many thousands of years, men were providers, protectors, women the caregivers, etc, etc. That doesn't mean women were subservient to men, in many ancient cultures the woman were much more highly regarded than women of today are, Sparta for instance. Do you think Spartan women raised sissy hipsters in skinny jeans? No, they did not. They recognized that the men of the group were better suited to defend and provide, thus ensuring the survival of the group. What makes us think that we are somehow so magnificent that reinventing the wheel of human nature and evolution is simply something that only we came up with in the last 20-40 years? The world is different today, we don't have to kill or be killed you might reply. I say the world is still a harsh place, evidenced by increasing suicide rates, ages that kids are staying with their parents, etc, etc. Hardwired responses to distress, responses to crying babies, innate ability to nurture, or discipline, all things that are there for a reason. Would you agree, that well rounded children are not the normal product of single parent homes (again, think percentages, ignore the exceptions). Men and women have different physiological capabilities, and I speak in general terms, of course there are exceptions, as there are women graduating from seal training, and men changing diapers (myself included). To deny the differences in our physiological capabilities would be just as foolish as entering the FLW with a pontoon boat. Some things are better suited to certain tasks. If I want to enter my pontoon in the tour, do all the 250hp glitter rockets have to mount aluminum tubes on their hull? Here is a story about 1200 (that's right, one thousand, two hundred )women who were assaulted during a new years eve celebration by migrants. What did the German men do to stop this from happening in the future you ask? They dressed up as women to show solidarity........ Here is the link:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2015–16_New_Year's_Eve_sexual_assaults_in_Germany Now over in Russia, a similar thing happened and the perpetrators got the beating of a lifetime. The link:https://dailycaller.com/2016/02/04/refugees-go-clubbing-in-russia-harass-girls-wake-up-in-hospital-the-next-morning/ Which group of perpetrators do you think will respect women more after the respective incidents? We can respect women and celebrate their accomplishments without loosing our masculinity, is all I'm saying. Ipso facto, I have never seen my wife so turned on since I calmly but firmly asked the guy who sat in her seat at the bar when we got up to greet some friends, to please move. If you can't "like" this post because your wife is looking over your shoulder, it's ok. (kidding, or am I?)
  13. Well, I would be just as amazed if it was a young man that did the carrying. The issue I took with the original post (who knows how long ago :)), was that an able bodied man was ok with somebody else pushing his cart or carrying his bags while he walked with empty hands. Like I said, call me old fashioned if you want. You ever notice that all the "dads" in TV and movies in the last 20 years are portrayed as bumbling idiots? Dad used to be a guy not to be messed with, or you would find out the hard way what sort of behaviors were acceptable. Now we have safe spaces for people that can't handle hearing "no". Society as we know it in this country is mere decades from collapse I bet. Wont be anyone left to actually get anything done around here. Oh sure, we will be able to talk about stuff, and design stuff on the computer, and sell stuff, and have meetings about how to get stuff done, but actually get out there do work? Oh no, that's not for "me" Any takers on that bet?
  14. Gotcha, there are some units out there still that come with the CV transducers, they are reduced in price compared to the ones that come with GT TDs. The GTs TDs are a better product, For me personally though, I don't really notice a difference. The lakes I fish are smooth sandy bottoms with little cover, so side scan doesn't show much of anything anyway, whether I am looking at the 73 with CV TD at the console, or the ultra with GT at the bow.
  15. Oh, my fault, I googled and clicked too quickly. It might be better to figure out what transducer comes with what unit you are looking at. The TD type is more relevant than the unit screen type. One of my units is a 73sv that came with a CV52 and the other unit is an Ultra, that came with a GT52UHD. Long story short, I tried to swap the transducers when I bought the ultra, so I know for sure that both TDs fit on the TM mount that came with the Ultra. But the ultra wont recognize the CV52 due to the "stiching" side scan softwear that Garmin was using with the CV TDs. This is the one I have: https://g.factoryoutletstore.com/cat/19667-257362/Garmin-Marine-Accessories.html?cid=217719&chid=4272&gclid=CjwKCAiA35rxBRAWEiwADqB37-2AvpUMGQzeTziYZVM4aTOOQUqduA5rsIOPPHyFM6dX0sB9wgRRIhoC4pIQAvD_BwE Looking at your original post, are you buying a second sonar unit, or just buying a transducer? If you are buying a whole second unit, it should come with the TM mount (the 73, 93, and ultra do anyway).
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