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Little Luey

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  1. Nice picture, you must have a very steady hand. It is difficult to take macro shots like that.
  2. Pretty typical response from by the Sox fan cab-driver / sanitation worker mentality. ;D I don't think he meant it as an insult, did you know there is a very large gay community in the north side of Chicago? That is why they hold the gay and lesbian pride parade every year in the north side. there are also a lot of universities and colleges so they use WF as a pick up/party area. So yes, a lot of gay people go to the games. your response on the other hand, very typical of a frustraded Cub fan who will not see a penant in his life time ;D ;D. go ahead and blame the goat!!
  3. I have not been around for a while but I will comment on this post. i agree there are more tickets sold at WF. But the stadistic you should be looking at is the following: wins/lost games year Sox Cubs 2009 79-83 83-78 2008 89-74 97-64 2007 72-90 85-77 2006 90-72 66-96 2005 99-63 79-83 2004 83-79 89-73 total 512-461 499-471 so the Sox record is a little better than the Cubs, yet the Sox have a pennant and the Cubs have noting but all the money their fans spend at their old-decrepit-falling in pieces stadium. you get less team for your dollar. So I say go on and spend your $$ at WF, if you are satisfied with poor results. The few time I was at WF, everyone is just partying, not really watching the game, so it is like paying cover charge to get in to a large outdoor bar. Keep it up, give them your $$ ;D ;D :D
  4. LOL, now I am curious, I am looking for the banner.
  5. That is high, but if he convinced them he was worth that kind of money more power to him. I heard Jeter saying he is not going anywhere and does not mind waiting for the team to iniciate contract talks. That is refreshing to see.
  6. both of those are great!
  7. and for a smaller payroll for sure. ;D ;D
  8. you funny. Come october again this year you can just blame the goat. : : ;D
  9. this makes more sence, could some games be influenced by players or a refferies, I supposed you could say yes to that, based on what we have seen from other sports. I still think that for this to happen there would have to be many people involved. In the NBA there are 3 refs and 10 players on the court at one time, a lot less people to convince and brive. The NFL has som many refs and players on the field at one time that it would be hard to get everyone to fail to make plays or to make the wrong call. That is where it is different. the original comment was more like can the NFL rig the outcome of the games, that I don't think so. This would imply that the NFL somehow would prefer the Saints to win the game over the Colts. As someone mentioned before, a team with bigger stadiums and more appeal would make more sence to benefit from such plot. Then team revenue, which is divided among all teams, would make sence.
  10. How about a more morbid scenario in which Manning gets a call or a letter saying if he doesn't do such and such, he'd better watch out for his family...etc. Like I said, there are many very rich and very powerful people who have large, vested interests in the outcomes of many games. That fact alone should throw up a red flag. Where there's money to be had, the scumbags school up and circle. Sports, politics, Wall Street, and everything else. Again, that's not proof of any wrongdoing, but it does make one think. I got one, how about and alien flying ship came to indiana and kidnaped the real Manning and replaced him with their INT happy clone. You know, the same alien who replaced the one Peterson you saw not fumble the ball this season at all? wouldn't that be possible too? No man, it is not rigged, too many people involved, too many people would have to be in on this to make it work.
  11. ever since the Janet Jackson boob came out to "say Hi", the halftime shows have been terrible. This time I didn't even try to watch it. I watched a re-run of the biggest looser. the one commercial that was funny to me was the little Palumalu guy and the house made with the budlight cans.
  12. I meant the north-side. Ha, ha. I knew the moment I read this you were a Cubs fan. 100 years + and counting. I am south side native and a White Sox fan relocated to Arizona so I don't get a lot of Sox coverage here but I sure enjoyed the championship run.
  13. I"ll try to make sence of my own words here. I find the best workers are for the most part the ones who could loose the most if they lost their jobs. Someone who has a lot to lose, they have cars, house, bills to pay, etc. Like someone already mentioned, if I lose my job I will take any other job even if it ment working nights or weekends and I will put effort in to learning and being productive, no matter what this new job is. I have a home, cars and bills I need to pay. The people who feel secure even in the event they loose their job have IMO a tendency to not put up with a lot in their jobs. If I was in a situation were I could afford to be jobless and collect unemployment for six months and take my time finding the "right" job it would probably be easy for me to pass on a job if it is not perfect for me. Need is a great motivator. I had two jobs before and if my family needs me to do it again, I would not hissytate to get a second job again. When I was single I always said never to a second job. I didn't have so many resposabilities; now it is diferent. A coworker here keeps complaining about no having as many OT as before, but he would leave early some days and he is never on time in the morning. He asked me to help him get a job with my second employer but he never showed up at the Fedex plant, at 4:00am for his interview. I guess it was too early for him.
  14. during the Vikings/Saints game they show a stadistic on which team wins the coin toss they end up winning about half the games. So in my mind defences are making stops, it is not automatic that the team receiving the ball will win the game. Playing one more quarter will be very taxing on the players, more cramps/injuries may come. I think they should leave it the way it is.
  15. I see what you are saying, but the saint did the bare minimum to stay on top of the vikes. Honestly the vikes lost the game more than the Saints won, they just did not screw up more than the Vikes. A win is a win, I am sure they'll take it any day.
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