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BrackishBassin last won the day on February 26 2018

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Southern MD
  • My PB
    Between 5-6 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Other Interests
    Hitting up some saltwater.

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  1. I second the Tatula CT. Got mine for $83, but that was a year or so ago now. Phenomenal reel. My original was a Black Max as well. First time you fish the new one, you’ll wonder how you stuck with the Black Max for so long. It’s literally a world of difference.
  2. I’ve purchased three rods through Amazon. Only had an issue with one (broken tip), and I just returned it (for free) and bought a new one. Just be sure anything you buy has free returns, and you don’t have to worry about how they package it. Just send it back if it has issues.
  3. The rod I throw my top waters on depends on the size of the bait. Smaller stuff (spooks, poppers, small whopper plopper) gets thrown on a medium fast. Bigger stuff (wake baits, buzz baits) gets thrown on a medium heavy fast. And the really big stuff (got some big inline buzz baits and wake baits) gets thrown on a heavy. I throw my frogs on a medium heavy, but I run straight braid on that one. Hope that helps! Basically, the size of the bait dictates the rod it gets thrown on.
  4. Great advice to contact your State game wardens, but I would suggest going a step further. Instead of calling them, send them an email. Someone told me doesn’t hold up if something were to happen, but emails are actually legal documents. Anytime I need a record of something, I ask the individual to send me the information in writing through email.
  5. My PB was caught on an Arashi wake crank in February (fish in the profile picture - 5.5lbs). Only fish I caught that day. Technically south of the Mason Dixon line, but our water freezes regularly. Throw it, you never know what might bite.
  6. Short trips, I wear a baseball cap and a buff. Longer stuff, I wear a Tilly and a buff. The hat was pretty expensive, but it’s got a lifetime guarantee, and it floats.
  7. I’m in a similar spot. My last three trips involved me throwing a bunch of different baits, but I always end up back on a chatterbait. It just seems to be the most effective bait for the particular piece of water that I fish on a regular basis. Other stuff works from time to time, but nothing has been anywhere near as effective as a chatterbait. So, I quit buying stuff and don’t plan to buy anymore...until I need some new chatterbaits.
  8. Fishing from the bank is where the slip bobbers become essential. Especially if you’re dealing with any sort of trees or brush around you.
  9. My advice is to measure your tackle boxes and then go buy a backpack that feels good on your back. As soon as it gets labeled as a “fishing” backpack, the price jumps up a ridiculous amount. There’s nothing special about a fishing backpack. Find a quality backpack that will hold your boxes sitting normally (upright) and use it. You’ll be more comfortable walking to and from your spots. Get one that fits you well enough, and you’ll be able to fish with it on your back without even thinking about it. I’m strictly a bank beater. Gave up on ‘fishing’ backpacks a long time ago, and I’m a happier man for it.
  10. I’d suggest a Daiwa Tatula CT paired up with a Daiwa Aird X. You’d be about $10-20 over your budget, but I’ve loved mine.
  11. I’m a really big fan of the Arashi crank wakes, or wake cranks, can’t ever remember the order right. Either way, they’re responsible for my PB. Best surface fishing lure I own, by far. Beats out everything else I’ve thrown by a huge margin.
  12. My go to search bait has become a chatterbait. Full disclosure - I’m a bank beater. In the bodies of water I fish, it’ll get bit before anything else. So, I throw it until I catch a couple and then switch up to other baits to see if there is anyone else hanging around.
  13. Short reply - spinnerbaits get no trailer, but they do get another hook, and I always fish my chatterbaits with a trailer. It helps keep them from getting bogged down in grass, which happens to be what I fish the most.
  14. Understand and agree. Not looking for anything expensive, but I got mine off of Amazon and it’s no longer available. Looking at reviews there has gotten ridiculous. Half day an item is the best thing since sliced bread and the other half say it’s horrible. Just looking for what people are using day to day to keep themselves honest.
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