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Everything posted by NHBull

  1. And I can't understand for the life of my why fuel/water separators are not standard on new boats
  2. This Summer a black or white popper has been on deck all year and landing rate since going to the Gammy AM trebles has been over 90%
  3. Med GLX MBR, 30lb straight braid
  4. NHBull


    I fish them like a jerkbait. .......also, don't be afraid to nose hook them with a wacky hook
  5. I run that same braid to leader on the x all day long, that said, there isn't a wrong decision here
  6. Seldom do I catch 4 in a row over 3 lbs, must be good karma The 4th jumped ship before I could get his mug shot
  7. Upload the Navionics apps and rest easy
  8. .......just a side note. I like seeing all types of fishing.....from bank to kayak. That said, experienced kayakers on my lake have started putting bike flags on their sterns and are fully lit at night. I wish all did. I also wished they followed the rules when fishing in the chanels. Casting in front of moving boats is never a good idea, especially when that boat could swamp you in a second. If everyone followed the Golden Rule, we wouldn't have this problem. If you can't follow the GR, follow the law. ........I really get nervous for guys in yaks
  9. The K would top my list
  10. Darn auto correct. "head-way-speed". Sorry?
  11. Kayakers I know tell me that as long as the boat is 150' away, they prefer them to stay on plane as the rollers being thrown forward are harder to navigate. They also say, that if a boat doesn't drop to head-to-toe speed, it is worse
  12. As soon as a company like MK jumps on board many will go this way. If the 10 year cost breaks down to 350/ year with light weight and fast recharge, I'm in
  13. Life is a choice and sometimes I chose to give up sleep to spend time on the water..it's just that simple
  14. This......Truth be told, if it isn't a large one, I enjoy watching the jump, but if I really want it in the boat, anticipate the jump and try to sweep and redirect the head as he rises. Anecdotally it seams I have also had better with faster reels. Fish are more successful with large bait that provide more leverage
  15. In NH we start weighing at 4 lbs ?
  16. Sometimes my words sound better to me..... What I meant was that I have other bait about that same size that are more versatile,....... I don't see the need and if I don't throw the 90, it would just take up room in the box
  17. I only throw the 110 in 2 colors. .....at the 75 size, I am putting on a more versatile popper that can be retrieved many ways. No doubt there will be post with big fish on them, but it isn't for me
  18. My buddy does a lot of kayak fishing and prefers shorter rods
  19. Congrats, but all this double digit talk makes me crazy as I have yet to see a 6lber come out or my home waters
  20. If I go at night, it is usually clear with a good moon. A couple years ago, I came close to running over a swimmer at 11:30 PM. I knew the jerk and he was swimming at the entrance of a channel. We had words, and since then anything above headway speed makes me nervous
  21. I am sure I am in the minority, but since fishing MBRish rods, the only xfast rod I will have next year is a M/Xf spinning rod for wacky and dropshot.. It may just be the way I fish, but I seldom loose a fish on a fastish MAG style rod. I have a new appreciation for the GLX MBR
  22. 2nd grandson Archer, made his appearance this afternoon and was considerate enough to let Bubba get his morning time on the water in......
  23. Fell for it AGAIN.......read through a post 5 years old ?
  24. Seibert all day long
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