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Everything posted by NHBull

  1. I will never put down any branch as I respect everyone who signs on the dotted line and pledge to give their life! That said I am bias and kudos for you to serve as an officer. Given what you want to do, the Corps could open doors for a latter career. Embassy duty opens even more if you are interested in private security, CIA, NSA,, ect. .....but one does not join the Corps, one becomes a Marine! Your reborn to it and you remain one until you die! You may not believe this, but you will later if you choose this path. There is no greater brotherhood in the world, no disrespect intended to other members. Feel free to PM me if you want insight into options when hanging up your sword
  2. I would normally say" welcome aboard", but "wheels up" may be more appropriate.?
  3. Nenne and Everett are my eyes in the sky
  4. Prescription Oakley polarized wraps.......best 400.00 I have spent......vision is not underated
  5. In Central NH surface Temps are around 62. No clear pattern, or at least one I can see. Had the day of the year last week and was all but shut out yesterday. Back to the hunt tomorrow!
  6. Dredgers, spro and 6th sense make up most of mine. If I had to pick only one, dredgers would get the call as they do get deep faster
  7. What he is talking about will greatly improve the pull, but it is not the same as giving it to someone who specializes in it. I would do the suggested replacement and hold off on anything further......
  8. Great choice! I have 2.......and a little trigger work similar to what the FBI does will take it to a whole other level
  9. Everything to include shallow CB in the fall
  10. With the oval, the over-rap of the ring is in the middle on the long side, farther away from where the line is going to rest. With a circle, there is a better chance that the line is going to rest against the over-rap and cut itself
  11. 99 % of my novice guest use GP on a wacky or neco rig and get better numbers than I do. With the exception of orange around spawn, BB,GP,June Bug and purple is all I carry
  12. Not going to judge as long as it’s legal, it’s just not for me
  13. Lately, mid day has been great. Rock piles and flats moving away from the middle of the lake
  14. I think the Avid may be the most universal rod with best bang for the buck at that price point. I have a 7' and you are welcome to come on down and try it. It would also be easy to sell, but you won't.
  15. Don't look for the hole in the donut and KISS To start, stick with 2 colors, B/B and GP. A couple craw trailers is all you need. Reach out to @Siebert Outdoors ......the arcky head is pretty universal. With smaller jids I like lighter wire hooks and that will improve your hook-up ratio. My primary retrieve is a hop-n-drag, repeat...until I find a pattern. Don't get discouraged, for many, detecting the bite is challenging and remember, swings are free........which is why folk tend to spend more money on sensitive rods. I use braid to leader on a fast real as I find it easier to set on baits, 30 yards away and 25 feet deep. Have fun!
  16. On a side note, it is also cool to see your own boat on the dock...
  17. If I replace split rings, I replace them with ovals. Far less chance of breakoffs.
  18. Yesterday I caught this years first 5+ SM, and lost a bigger LM. It's rare to get a 5 pounder on my lake, neve mind a SM. Both we caught in 2-3 feet of water, but my boat was in 20'. Both had great horizontal fights, but when it became a vertical fight, the SM kicked the LM butt and was taking line for minutes more. The LM was like dragging boot.
  19. After a couple less than stellar days, the stars aligned and I had the best 2 hours of the year. Found fish in Spring spots and revisited an old friend ( chatterbait!) 3 fish for 12.6 lbs with a 5.1 SM topping the list. Missed a bigger LM at the boat. Note to self, close the cleat, it tangles the net?
  20. That's been my experience for years, but this Summer, the lack of manners is disturbing!
  21. I think a lot of this comes down to with of the bait and flex of the rod. I am more accurate with a 7' MBR than 6'10" JWR for non weighted TRIG, and the reverse for 1/2 ounce jig......
  22. I have had far better results with standard offset worm hooks. EWG is reserved for larger diameter baits. Superline hooks will also trash your worms faster, but if you need to use it, wet it prior to insertion.
  23. I keep a spring loaded clip in my bag and use the clip to attach the braid to my shirt. This allows me to see and use 2 hands. Can tie the knot in 60 seconds
  24. I have found that with bigger braid, rubbing off any coating is essential . Also, tightening it every 6 wraps helps. Finish with one half-hitch then do the rizzoto(Sp) finish. When I cut the FC I use the Berkeley hot tip, which leaves a bit of a knob.....you can use a match to do the same.
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