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Everything posted by NHBull

  1. A bass boat will troll better in wind since it is lower to the water. Sometimes I feel like am trolling a kite with my Lund Impact........
  2. Not to throw a wrench in the decision, but used Met DC'S can be had for just a little more
  3. These https://www.iboats.com/shop/nauticus-sx-smart-tabs.html
  4. Very reputable.......and I love my METs
  5. What is the HP and what are you pulling for RPM'S? Given apple to Apple comparisons going the other way, 3 blade aluminum to 4 blade aluminum, there is usually a decrease of 3ish MPH on the top for better hole-shot. Introducing the variable of a stainless 3, may grab you 5MPH
  6. M/F serves your needs and many more.
  7. So, I can't be held responsible for the though that does no occur ?
  8. Like any sport, the more I practice the luckier I get.....The key is to improve the quality of practice
  9. Corn free is usually 91 octane and is perfect. The recommendation of 87 is usually recommended as a minimum. Truth be told, many will bump up their octane for corn gas. The rule of thump, is to run an octane just high enough to avoid ping, but it usually isn't an issue. My Yammi runs best on 91 corn-free and my water separator like it too
  10. I hate it when fish aren’t where they are supposed to be and don’t bite what they should....?
  11. New a years day had perfect snowperson snow ?
  12. If you ever find yourself near the lakes region, give me a yell...... "Live Free or Die" ?
  13. If you don't have electronics on your boat, they can be a great help. Navionics is a must for me, especially when on unfamiliar water sometimes more accurate than my Garmin units. Google earth, while not an app can be very useful
  14. There is a reason this topic comes up a lot......for many, Palomar and FC don't to play well. I just don't understand why folks continue to use it when there so many options.
  15. I've tried both and own a GLX'S.......there is no wrong decision. The GLX just felt better in hand
  16. Another bait to catch fisherman ?
  17. I think I just saw a commercial where for $ 9.95/month you can adopt an endangered Small-mouth. They will send you a picture of the adopted fish along with monthly updates as to the size. ?
  18. My wife was reading this thread over my shoulder and said " why don't you go there instead of Cuba".......Time to start putting the ducks in a row....What is the bet time of year to go?
  19. First Christmas!
  20. I have had terrible luck with blue label, to the point that seaguar acknowledged the problem and replaced several spools. I am not saying this is your problem, but crazy failures have plagued me with this line
  21. Given we don't have the salad of the south, I suspect around an ounce and I love my GLX'S...I am just not sure that it has to be that sensitive. I am more concerned about balance
  22. Looks like I am going to break my New Year's resolution before the we even start. I am looking for input on a flipping/pitching stick. Any input is appreciated. Thanks Al
  23. I go with blue. Better for me, fish and mosquitos
  24. I would not hesitate to go with a floating JB and/or add 1 heavier treble to run it just below the surface
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