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Everything posted by NHBull

  1. This is more of a personal choice....warranty aside, I really wanted to the MB rods including the Brailist but found I really prefer and reached for the GLX, MBR, and NRX first. The other thing to consider for us in the north east is down time..with a short season, being without your favorite rods for weeks shucks and the turnaround time on MB is just to freekin long
  2. I tried a lot of .45 Compact and the best of the worst for me is the M+P I would consider the .40 Shield
  3. Love me some Tanks Tanks The MR series are a little less $$ and are darn good too
  4. Agree with the above and 30# would feel like rope to me on a spinning reel
  5. I used to use a lot of 10# for baitcasters and now have just one for the sole purpose described. It is on an Antares and never a problem. It’s best to try things for yourself as you will find there are plenty of exceptions to the so called rules
  6. Live Free or Die! Welcome!
  7. Fading is the only knock on it, that said, if it bothers you reverse the line . you would easily get 6 years this way if you use leaders
  8. I use a MK alternator and my TM batteries are often fully charged by the time I get back to the dock. I also have a 2K inverter to top them off when needed that get used for other purposed several times a year.
  9. I have a camp chef and never let the oil burn off. I threat it the same way as I do my cast iron pans. Very lightly oil as it is cooling it down and done! Truth be told, if I am cooking eggs and use butter, I usually just wipe it clean. Once seasoned never strip it down…….just like cast iron pans
  10. Lily Skye (Grand daughter ) entered the world last night weighing in at 8lbs 7oz...REally starting to feel the years
  11. You should look to Hitena white for what you described also consider Finns. https://hitenausa.com/super-cast-pureline/ Silky pink is awesome will bleed the first time in water. After that is is using silk….seriously! Smackdown is the only line I ever experienced breakoffs with.
  12. ....I know what you mean...had a coffee and k-bar on more than one occasion ?
  13. If priced the same, I would get the 4 stroke but getting parts for the 2 stroke won't be a problem for years
  14. I have a few calcutta conquest.....100, 200 and 300. LOVE them and it feels good knowing they will be in the family lone after I have passed on
  15. My DSR and SJR could easily pull double duty with ned. Heck some ned hooks are now stronger than many #2 DS hooks.
  16. I am surprised no one has mentioned the Loomis DSR.....It fishes similar to my Adermine. I LOVE both
  17. It is one think seeing the line, it's another processing that info. I have no idea, but I do see that in most side by side comparisons, anglers say thay get more hits on FC than braid. I seldom hear the reverse. At best I hear it doesn't matter. I also understand how pros get paid and wonder if those that rely on their tools for income choose FC for most applications. ?
  18. Last year I caught a LL Salmon with more metal in its mouth than a 10 yr old girl going to the orthodontist. It took so long to remove the gear I couldn't get a picture.
  19. Some are better than others ....and all things being equal ?
  20. You are lucky if a car battery last a year as a starting battery. They are just not designed to take the abuse.
  21. With the help of my partner, I got a little time on the boat. Well worth the pain
  22. If you are loosing them on the WP try adding an additional split ring or use a piece of braid to tie the treble to the bait. Both methods will reduce the leverage the fish has
  23. https://trestlejacksusa.com/products-tj220-adj
  24. Truth be told, I usually start with that ever I have tied on..... I usually base my decision on depth, current and wind speed. .....and don't paint the toe nails of the craws I am throwing
  25. I really like it....I have a few rods for DS including a loomis DSR and I put the Alpha in the Dropshot+ category as it has a little more backbone and fishes a 4 inch waxk pretty darn good. It is a little more versatile than my loomis. I think it would also fish a small SB pretty well. Hope this helps
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