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Everything posted by NHBull

  1. Talking through the grass is good, getting on a boat is better. A couple times a year I drag all my spinning rigs on my way back to the dock.
  2. Lower your trajectory and https://www.google.com/search?q=fins+windtamer&rlz=1C9BKJA_enCA684US685&oq=finns+windt&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j0l3.11028j0j7&hl=en-US&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#fpstate=imgv&imgv=0
  3. In the Spring, winds and temps are always changing so I tend to move a little more often....sometimes out of necessity. I think it is also easier to move in the spring because a lot of water and technics can be eliminated. Summer I move less unless the pattern is clear
  4. The Bantam is a fine reel, I really like mine. That said, I I would want the Met in my hand more often. If I was mainly fishing the slop, I might change my mind
  5. If I could do it all with BC's I would. My wrist and hands just feel better with it. That said, it is hard to beat spinners for finesse. I have 5 spinning set ups and 12 BC. I am also far more accurate with BC but can skip better with Spinning. My fishing partner is 100% spinning and he does just fine
  6. I have gone to light weight or sun hoodies. When I do use a necky, my Columbia is the most comfortable followed by the ultra light ones by smartwool. They are by far the coolest ones. The company's that hype theirs as cooling require wind to cool and without it they are hot as hell
  7. works well in windy conditions https://www.finsfishing.com/FINS-Windtamer-p/fnswtb-.htm
  8. I think the 843c MBR is one of the most versatile rods on the market and would fit nicely in your quiver. I have one with a Met DC and look for an excuses to use it
  9. I was so optimistic with an early ice-out and temps above average in March. Come to find out it was mother natures way of F***ing with me Winds have kept me off the water more than most year and snow is back in the forecast this week. 40 degree air with wind at 15+ mph just isn't fun in a multi species boat. The saying here is " if you dont like the weather, just wait 30 minutes". still waiting This is still a FIRST WORLD PROBLEM....
  10. Point well taken....my best have come between 11:00-2:00 with bluebird sky's
  11. I have downloaded the same app and paid attention years ago. Truth be told, I fish when I can regardless of phase and weather. I did not notice any difference, but it want do to the lack of wanting ?
  12. It be ends on diameter and shape. Heck, I used 10# for years on some. Now most are 30. I think this matters more for us than the fish
  13. Many in my area will move the boat, change the angle and hashtag a public cove. Guy trolling on the big lakes have this down to a science
  14. Your fine! Truth be told, it's part of the game. Not many things bug me, but one of them is when I spend a ton of time searching for that 2 meter rock pile, and friends expect me to take them there. Think I may come up with a lake lime AJ. I like "lake Alornot"
  15. Jim, Sorry to hear that. Hopefully good memories will comfort you through these times.
  16. I don't see them as an investment, but clearly some do better than others. I suspect my calcutta conquests will hold their value, they will never be sold. With the release of the new Met MGL, my older Mets have lost a little
  17. Don't laugh They are awesome. I have one for Topwater and 3 inchish swimmers https://www.alphaangler.com/collections/bait-casting-rods/products/clutch-power-finesse
  18. Dont overlook Aftco.....Great quality and reasonably priced!
  19. Got my final air confirmation a couple days ago......Game On!
  20. you know I am going to dead-stick when I pull out my bow banana saddle or reach for a cigar
  21. I have several E6X, GLX, NRX and Conquest. For that purpose I have a NRX 852c with an Antares. I use braid to leader on that one I see it as a bridge between a spinning rod and 3 power BC
  22. Rod Is more important...that said it is tough to beat the Met DC for all but the smallest baits
  23. Gents, 99% of the time I am using a M baitcaster and am thinking of adding a spinning rod to the quiver for this technique. Just wondering what folks are using? My favorite spinners are the Addermine and Loomis GLX.
  24. from friends that have both I am told the new one feels a bit more Bantamish
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