I am becoming a bigger spinning fan than I ever anticipated.
i am running 1000 and 2500 ci4’s and have a eyes On a couple Vanfords. ( kids are taking some on my existing ones). Weight is a consideration and am thinking the 2000 for DS, skipping wacky’s and JB. The 2500 weighs an ounce more but has considerable drag.
Any input is appreciated
I have an NRX 852c rigged with a 1/2 ounce and 2/0 worm hook I am tossing deep and at docks. I fish it fast and am liking it a lot. Not sure I will keep it on that, but had to try....There is just something about throwing something that weights over 5/8 on a spinning setup. In my mind this is more of a Bubba shot.....and yes my grandkids call me Bubba ?
^^^ The 852 beatS the Addermine in this application
I too really need to work on this....
I have also notice more land owners putting up barriers under their docks....planks, fence, Support’s.....all because of the amount of hooks that get left behind?
I have several and I believe the spinning rods are where the lines shine.
On a side note I have a FMJ I will be putting up for sale soon.
My GLX’s outperform all top end MB’s and is a rabbit hole I prefer
I love my Loomis 852 DSR and handled a 4.5 SM just fine.
you will run out of $$$$ before good options for this technique.
My MB Addermine is also awesome in this area
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