Nothing comes off the table, but accurate cast become more important.
Many times I will, "junk fish" to try and figure out the pattern some.
Truth be told, bluebird sky's halp me eliminate water more than it does limit my arsenal
I am hoping a few members might be willing to share where they get MB+1, Jr's.
My OCD has kicked in given I have a lot of time on my hands and my only fishing might be on a dock in a chair.....
Thanks in advance, Al
Not to beat a dead horse, but this year I started crushing the barbs and do so when guest are using my gear. Few things are worse than having a 6 years old see you digging a swallowed wacky rig out of a 12 inch bass
I would go 894. Most go with the jig rod, but I prefer the MBR'S. While technically not a 1 ounce rod, for what you described and that you are throughing 1/2 ounce, but the rod that satisfies 85% of that you want
This is the first time I have heard this.
If the boat is new to you, did you clean the wells.
I have seen die after not cleaning wells after winterization.
Cleaning chemical residue also raise hell with the system
I have both and the bantam is on the frog/heavy slop rod and the Met is for jigs. For me the Met feels better on everything with the exception of heavy rods
Nothing real note worthy. Put 12 in the boat, half over 3lbs…..What was note worthy for me is that they were all on the Dark Sleeper! Out fished my partner in numbers and size. I am a believer…
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