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Everything posted by NHBull

  1. I have a couple. Very good for windy conditions! ...I also let novice casters use them as it reduces MY headaches not having to deal with their messes.
  2. Both.... BC for Bubba Shot and deep presentations and when Triged Spinning for everything else. That said, as I find BC rods with similar feels or spinning rods, I will more in that direction. It's a matter of arthritis and pain for me
  3. Got a couple of these hoping to hand them down to my grandkids. I hope they love them as much as I do
  4. All the knots listed above work great if ties properly You should add this to the list
  5. My casting accuracy is directly proportional to the value of the item close to the target. Open water, 8 out of 10 The corner of a dock with an expensive flower vase, not so much ? For me it's a mind thing, not mechanics. It's like tree skiing,,,,,look at the snow and it is great, peak at a tree and it's a broken limb
  6. I have found that many times it helps me find fish. Streams overflow, tributaries rise And often the fish move up to feed
  7. Don't leave home without it. Add some depth shading and it's your new best friend!
  8. I use a lot of 4's Wacky rigged shallow and mostly rigged weedless on a DS
  9. I have both. GLX all day long and twice on Sunday's
  10. Most of the bait sold is to catch fishermen, not fish. I now limit it to Black, GP and sometimes June Bug. Done!
  11. Sadly I am having to spend more time hunting trout than bass but the kids don't seam to mind?
  12. You just described one of my favorite rods. A true Swiss Army knife. Loomis's MBR842C GLXLoomis MBR842C GLX
  13. I have a 1k Honda that gets used when the MK alternator needs help. That said the alternator has helped me last a weekend with no electricity
  14. The only time mine is close to lockers is when I am making long cast with jigs that have a heavy wire hook. After it is set, I quickly back it off.
  15. I will look for the youtube link......I was having the occasional issue with it not fully seating when recovered, then it would not deploy. I have not had an issue since seeing the video Here ya go
  16. Simms flip-flops are as good as my custom orthotics. Heck if I had the proper sock, I would be "that guy"
  17. The only ones that have issues with deployment don’t know how to maintain them. 3 minutes a month (tighten belt, grease bottom pin and lube shaft?) and have not had a problem in years
  18. Life is to short to loose any brain cells over this. There are a ton of @ss’s out there, don’t let them ruin your day or live rent free in your mind
  19. ....a lot of good imfo above.... I also keep a diamond file on board to sharpen the tip on most jigs
  20. The dark sleeper is by far my best SB producer. ......and still finding pre-spawn bass.
  21. Adding g a link between the bait and trebles stops the bass from gaining leverage on the bait. It is less likely to be thrown since it doesn’t bind
  22. My son is a “very part-time” angler but wanted to use a BC’er. I got him a DC and we are both less frustrated. I wanted him to learn with a standard one, but hated all the vulgar language when he birdnested. ?
  23. NHBull

    Knee pain!

    Catt, sorry to hear that. the ham string is a group of 3 muscles and stretching /micro tear, of one close to the knee is common as we get older. Luckily it heals on its own providing we behave .. The difficult thing is you feel better before it is fully healed and many reinjure it. Hope you get relief soon
  24. I have 2 friends that went with automotive lead acids and both didn’t last 18 months. The vibration killed them. I have had AGM’s last 7+ years
  25. If the usual meds bother you treat the symptoms. Acular or Pataday (sp) for the eyes…both work great and most docs will just call it in. Flonase for nose and sinus I believe is now available over the counter. good luck
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