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Everything posted by TnRiver46

  1. This one has no warm water discharge, warm water is a big no no on the Tennessee river after several accidents. It did have a few dozen vultures flying in circles in the exhaust.
  2. Creepy
  3. My best fishing success is usually from October-march. But I go all year anyhow, I've got the fishing fever real bad. The week between Christmas and new years is DY-NO-MITE! The fish get predictable when the water gets cold
  4. all we ask in return is let us know when you find a big school of hungry bass!!!!
  5. The muddy maumee. There's another member on here that can tell you all about that river but his name escapes me.
  6. My brother lives in Philly! I think he kayaks near the Delaware bay but usually just paddling not casting
  7. Smart play, nice job catching fish from the safety of dry land
  8. How clear is the water you are fishing? 10-12 lb mono will work for most any purpose. If it's stained or muddy with vegetation put braid on one of your rigs
  9. A fan revolt denies a coach being hired??? I'm sharpening my pitchforks and wrapping torches. The common man's voice grew into legislators and politicians voices. Wild day. Knoxville: the ultime democracy!
  10. I have never been glad that the season was over. Until now
  11. I'm not great with dropping it straight on them but I have caught largemouth casting a similar rig against the bank. Great for clear water. A lot of times the reason it is geared toward smallies because they are wolfpacking around eating shad in open water and can be found with electronics easier than the largemouth, which behave a little more like a grouper hiding in shipwreck or mangroves. The lure/rig will catch any species when they see it, the tactic just marries up more closely with open water smallmouth packs
  12. 6 ft of leader is plenty. Just slowly twitch the mouse across scum or grass. Or throw it way under a dock and bring it out quick. Always experiment with retrieve speed and cadence
  13. Not sure what it's called but for some reason the one with a dark blue back and orange belly outperforms all the others for me. I don't have many of them though, so I haven't experimented with lots of colors. I use x rap because it's the only one that actually suspends for under $10
  14. +1 It doesn't matter what color the jig is........ as long as it's black and blue!!! It doesn't matter what color your worm is....... as long as it's purple!!!
  15. Texas rig worm and jig
  16. I have 3 crossfires, one of them I got for $2.99 at academy. The only downside is the hook-keeper, whoever invented those things should be publicly flogged. I have to bend them down on every single rod they make nowadays and sometimes it's not that easy. Filing them down seems to work best
  17. You can use a willow branch with a few micro guides, thread and epoxy. Seriously though I get mine at academy sports, shimano makes the ones they have now. They have different ones every year, daiwa used to have good ones called "crossfire" for $20
  18. Never worry about being broke. You know the camel fitting through the eye of a needle thing........
  19. The highest end rod I have is $20. I usually go with the $12.99 ones though.
  20. Those are good tough rods, especially the flipping sticks. What kind of reel is it? I have never seen a Berkley reel
  21. sometimes the drag is locked down so tight on a baitcaster that it puts tension on the reel handle. Not sure if this is possible with a spinning reel but try loosening and tightening the drag a few times and see if that helps. Also you can add oil/grease to help them out
  22. I remember you smearing that goop on a rattle trap and jigging it like a blade bait last fall........... very very sneaky sir........
  23. Just throw the baits in a can of coffee and shake em around real good. Leave them in there for a day or week or however long you need to. Problem solved!
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