Guides on the rods freezing is the least of your worries at that temp. You can soak them with wd40 and it will delay the freezing. The major problems are steering cable, impeller, starter, and launching your truck into the river. I have had all these things freeze on me but I still haven't dumped a truck in he river yet. Came really close twice and have seen it happen twice. My steering cable was frozen once so I decided to be a he-man and turn the wheel. Well that broke it. Had to fish all day using a paddle on plane to turn. I'm still pretty dumb but at least I was younger then. I have been putting off changing my gear lube here recently. I try to change it frequently because some seals are busted and water gets in. The two days after Christmas my lower unit was frozen stiff, finally changed the lube with the aid of a space heater the other day. I was getting a warning beep even after it warmed up and the impeller was peeing