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Everything posted by TnRiver46

  1. One of my greater skills (that of course requires minimal brain power) is being able to work and fish out in the extreme heat. It only comes in useful a couple weeks out of the year but it’s necessary! I would rather put up with sweating through my clothes for a few months than having to drill holes in the water for a few months
  2. I also have an Alvarez from the mid 70s, it’s a copy of a martin D35. Sweet guitar, still has the Brazilian rosewood 3 piece back
  3. I am very excited to watch NBA next season. Some folks (like mike greenberg) think golden state is ruining basketball by winning two consecutive titles. Bulls 3 peated twice in the 90s and the lakers did in the 2000s. And ratings are up, we live in a hot take society where people swear they will never watch another game. And then they watch the entire postseason
  4. As dumb as people can be, I still value their lives more than that of any animal. Hate to hear about the lady getting eaten by the snake
  5. I just quit fishing when it gets dark and idle back to the ramp. I still hit logs all the time while idling
  6. Just looked up a little bit about this place, looks like a smallish body of water. Personally I would pack a buzzbait, junebug colored plastic worms and maybe some paddle tail shad grubs. Those 3 things catch fish anywhere, especially muddy swamp water
  7. Well the leader should absorb the shock so I would say use whichever hook you need to match the soft plastic bait
  8. Awesome!!
  9. I would just get a 2 or 3 amp charger and charge the crank battery separately
  10. Mtn house is grounded to the cold water pipe, electrician man told me to drive a 8 ft grounding rod into the dirt, use football clamp to attach a #4 copper wire to the top of the grounding rod and run it to any one of several screws on the left side of the top of my breaker box . Only problem is I’m too chicken to do it, I just quit showering during storms.......
  11. Pulling a rip cord of a flooded engine is about as hot as I have ever been when not on a roof. I used to mow yards in college and our backpack blowers were always flooded. Only way to start them was hold the throttle open and keep pulling the cord
  12. Yup! Chickamauga is the hardest place I have ever tried to catch a bass
  13. Awesome! You must have some strong line!
  14. I use the biggest hook I can find, usually 4/0 or 5/0. Texas rigged weightless, sometimes a belly weighted hook of the same size. I have thousands of flukes and can’t recall ever going through a bag of them. I typically miss several fish in a row and just stow them away. If anyone is looking for some quadruple sized flukes that have gotten wet in the bags over and over for several years let me know........ haha
  15. I get a lot of hits on flukes, usually hook 1 out of 25 of them...........
  16. You could use the Carolina rig with the 30 Lb power pro. Then a heavy sinker, bead, and swivel. The bead will protect your knot from being slammed by the lead.
  17. If you fish a heavy sinker with light line it breaks when you set the hook. You can still use your 10 Lb line but I wouldn’t use more than 3/8 oz sinker with 10 Lb line, and even that seems a little generous. THe beauty of a Carolina rig is that it stays glued to the bottom due to the heavy sinker so I would say get some 20 Lb line and pour some 1 oz sinkers. You could go a little lighter than 20 on the leader but I like the main line to be strong enough to plow with
  18. I would say go about your business in the garage, those wrens won’t hurt ya and I doubt your activities would hurt them. If they get too scared, well then they shouldn’t have made a nest in a garage
  19. Awesome fish. Believe it or not a large gar is some of the best eating fish I have ever tasted
  20. Usually below a dam a fluke on a jighead on the bottom is the way to go. And be prepared to lose a bunch of jigs
  21. I troll for them with small squarebill crankbaits. They dive about 10-12 ft at around 2.0 mph
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