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Everything posted by TnRiver46

  1. #1. Looks like 100 percent largemouth and 0 percent spotted bass
  2. I would like to think I’m a little different than a woman and her purses....... hahaha
  3. Trolling has opened up my eyes to Fishing so many areas that I normally wouldn’t fish. It’s really amazing
  4. If I die from eating too many fish, then I had the best life in the history of mankind
  5. Nice. I loooove setting the hook on a fish 25 ft down, always makes me think it’s a monster when they bite down there
  6. I don’t know what kind of fishermen you hang out with, but I think what the person in the story did was far worse than what any fishermen I share water with would ever do. Accidentally losing soft plastics and fishing line and hooks is....... an accident. Sure it kills fish but it’s an accident. Killing fish intentionally and not using them is something you do on purpose and In my opinion should be illegal
  7. Nothing more yummy than opening your livewell and smelling half-digested crawfish and shad!!!!
  8. I haven’t fished that area much either but I might echo what @buzzbaiter83 said, never heard many positive Fishing reports from that part of the world. I have had some good luck on the big south fork of the Cumberland river in ky but that’s about all I have ever tried or explored. Fishing in East Tennessee (for me) was much better prior to May than after it, and that holds true for me every year. Summer Fishing is just tough, especially with the volume of rainfall we have had this year. Summer is a lot easier during a “drought,” although we never really have a true drought in east tn/east Ky. Are there any dams near you that you can fish below?
  9. I know a guy that has all the jazz and will pour it for you! Also the recycling worms never works from what he says.
  10. Good gracious what a bass. Most folks would say that one was full of eggs! I think sometimes they just eat a lot, even during spring
  11. Excellent picture by @lo n slo, once you catch a good many spots you can tell them apart immediately. I zoomed in on the rows of spots (like stippling) below the lateral line I was referring to in an earlier post on this thread. A largemouth usually has random black slashes in that area
  12. It’s the same here on the lower end of the lake but the upper end has Rapids that you have to drag a canoe through when it’s really low. The smallies love that cold water especially in July-september when they start dropping Douglas and Cherokee lakes. When they fill those lakes up in spring there isn’t much flow and the water can warm quickly but when they generate, it comes out cold from the bottom of the deep lakes. I have seen people wakeboarding downtown in August wearing wetsuits
  13. If y’all ever get the chance to catch coosa strain spotted bass in Alabama, jump on it. They are about as mean of a fish as there is, and that’s coming from a guy that fishes in the heart of smallmouth country
  14. I would rather fish hot water honestly hahah. Ky lake is much better Fishing than ft loudoun lake from what I have always heard.
  15. All largemouth. Good ones too. Spotted bass will have well pronounced rows of spots below the lateral line
  16. Drag a Shakey head down in there. Deep River holes are my favorite 20" smallmouth spots. Especially when the current is slack
  17. Well they have cut back the flow from Douglas and Cherokee dams so it may start warming up where I live. The lower end of ft Loudoun is up into the 80s I'm sure, I just always fish the upper end because it's so close to home. The top end of chilhowee lake is always ice cold, makes a crazy fog sometimes in summer
  18. Sometimes the following fish is eating what the hooked fish vomits up
  19. It may be a local brand but super G lures makes my favorite buzzbait. I’ve never seen a cavitron
  20. Ive heard there’s a new lure called a plastic worm being debuted. Might have to pick me up a few
  21. It’s still in the 70s in downtown knoxville. Jumped into the holston the other day and it was cooooold. Also fished chilhowee a week ago and the upper end was in the 50s, feels crazy driving a boat in 50 degree Water with the air in tthr 90s. My boat was sweating profusely! If you are seeking cooler water on your home lake @Oregon Native, just drive up toward Clinton!
  22. I don’t fish at night, maybe one day. I’m lucky to be awake right now!
  23. Congrats on the win. What’s a cold front??? Haha
  24. Good looking healthy largemouths. On a side note, don’t let weathermen try to sucker you into using the phrase “rain event.” Our local weather folks have started doing that, drives me crazy hahaha. Rain event....... who are they kidding. In the morning I will hopefully have a waking up event and then a Fishing event
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