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Everything posted by TnRiver46

  1. They were still waiting to weigh in on day 2 when they had the convo
  2. Lowrance elite 4hdi. Also on a side note, i have a Belgian made browning A5
  3. Meeeeeee too!! Quicker that way
  4. Chattanooga is having an MLF this year j think
  5. Maybe Sam! I also forgot they had fried Asian Carp that was pretty good
  6. Everyone seems to be enjoying the heck out of it. Even the guys getting skunked are saying they had a good time. Fort loudon isn't the best lake on the TN river for monster bass but Knoxville seems to set up well for such an event. It would be neat to have one in Chattanooga too, someone might bring in 40 lb one day.....
  7. I drive by that area at work almost every day of the year. I always wondered if there were fish in there, thanks to Ike I now know! Haha
  8. I met @Glenn and his wife, @volzfan59, airborne bass, and some others at breakfast. All super folks! I only bought some Berkeley dredger 17.5, @BigSkyBasser got some jerkbaits. We met Hank cherry, Hunter shryock, Karl from karls tackle/MTB, and a few others. We watched the pros headed back to weigh in from my boat and when wheeler went by his boat was making a strange noise. Sure enough on the way back to the ramp, there it is on the bank with no one in sight. Then we went back to the launch to pick up @kbeeb374 for some striper fishing that didn't pan out, he got two nice largemouth though! And @BigSkyBasser got a nice smallmouth. I think I got the standard non keeper dink yesterday. Here's some pics, even saw a goose nesting 50 feet up a cliff
  9. If theres a lot of logs on the bottom the football head will get stuck quite a bit
  10. Hahaha sounds like you even picked up on the local vernacular judging by the title
  11. I'm sure we could meet up one way or another, It looks like all the competitors went waaaaay downriver from my house so we could maybe fish upstream in the rivers or on another lake . I think we will all be busy meeting for breakfast and going to the expo for the first part of Saturday
  12. Cot would be more comfy but if it's below 35 or so degrees I like to lay on the ground. Mother Earth is warm
  13. Tornado? Yes. Although @roadwarrioris a far piece from me. 70+ degrees and really windy in Knoxville right now
  14. If you caught a 7lber you didn’t miss a thing
  15. Actually they made a new artificial turf field this year, that’s all fake. The only real dirt is on the mound. The home and visiting teams seem to love it, we have played in a about 10-12 downpours this year and they finished every game except one
  16. If anyone else has already made it to town, my girlfriend and I will be at the University of Tennessee baseball game this evening. Swing by to say hello and cheer on the 16-1 diamond Vols
  17. Hahahaha. It wasn't hunts girlfriend that he kicked. Just a complete female stranger Yeah look at all the wins he brought to new York......
  18. Another cool pic from last night. I call this eagle Mr downtown because that's where he lives
  19. Yeah we even have that law down south, minus the same lake part. You never know exactly what species you get from a bait store
  20. In Tennessee you can use game fish as bait. I mean, a human can eat them, why not a catfish? Usually minnows are way more of a threat to introducing exotics than bluegill
  21. I'm guessing you've never been to Birmingham..........
  22. We only have the main 3 species, never even heard of a walker! Pretty cool
  23. The more laws you quote from MN, the more I think it may become part of California! I guess y'all do have the wrestling governor thing in common. Maybe I should stay on my toes, my county mayor is a former professional wrestler . Next thing you know catfishing will be outlawed!!!
  24. I already miss winter........ My deep bite is over
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