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Everything posted by TnRiver46

  1. I’ve never in my life pegged a Texas rig. I use a shakey head at some point in my day 99% of fishing trips. I like a Texas rig (with sliding bullet weight) when the water is a faster and muddier than normal, or just when I need the bait down deep really quickly
  2. You’re always hauling in some fat green ones
  3. I’ve heard them make the noise but dad gum if I couldn’t find the rocks . Seemed to me like it’s head was one big rock
  4. Not soon enough! I think I might have seen a small male largemouth on a bed Saturday in inches of water. Then of course I Caught two nice smallies about 15-19 feet where they always are........ 10 feet is too shallow! Haha. But seriously most places near my house your boat would almost have to be touching dry land to get a 10 ft reading on the depth finder
  5. Awesome. 6 lb is becoming a regular thing for you!!
  6. Too many people and not enough water........ It still amazes me that 40 million people didn't see that one coming
  7. Bobby Garland baby shad is all you'll ever need, I hate bobbers though
  8. Southern version of toothy critters. The sauger was big enough to ride home with me
  9. Black bass triple crown topped off by beautiful sunset
  10. I netted the drum for my buddy and asked if he wanted a picture. He said no so I took one anyway haha
  11. It’s pretty diverse here but I usually forget to count. Since last night is fresh on my mind, we caught 2 rock bass, one smallmouth, a bunch of white bass, a drum and a walleye. Could have easily caught a yellow bass, largemouth, spotted bass, bluegill, skipjack herring, or various sunfish and catfish in the same area. And occasionally sauger striper and wiper
  12. I’m sure the browns will take him too
  13. They would rather make their money off the people that follow the rules and pay for license and registration
  14. We catch them all the time in Alabama. Bass fight way harder believe it or not. Go Vols beat them Florida Gators!!
  15. None required
  16. I always eat mine without the jelly. Reese's creamy peanut butter. sometimes I skip the bread too!
  17. I've eaten 3 of them. Not bad
  18. Are you trying to send me on another snipe hunt?? I cut ones head all open and found no rocks. I think it's what my elders tell me to pull my leg
  19. Glad to have you back reporting on the quabbin smallmouth . Nice fish !!!
  20. I've lived in the same area my whole life and I'm a fishing junkie so there are no new bodies of water haha. But there are lots of small Creeks way up in the national park I haven't tried. It's usually 4 inch Brook trout up there though
  21. Gotcha thanks. I'm not much of a gear guy so I'll skip the expo and save myself a few hours of travel
  22. The fishing part should be cool and of course I love to see it on my home river 2 years in a row. But you sure won't catch me in Birmingham unless I'm hammered down in the fast lane on my way to a fishing vacation. I might drive my boat around again next year , @BigSkyBasserand I did this year and it's pretty cool seeing those guys go by. Does anyone know the exact dates?
  23. Yes I wade those all the time . Fun stuff
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