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Everything posted by TnRiver46

  1. The ones I had were de liars. The scale were accurate until they rusted
  2. T@Jigfishn10, it was some kind of peel and stick Jazz, not a great product but I reckon it will do and it was very cheap. It was like cutting graham crackers ! But with determination it can be defeated . If you look very closely it’s caddy wampus but it looks good if you are standing up haha
  3. Either that or she ate a muskrat for breakfast
  4. Bet that was fun. Monster fish have a way of escaping , that’s for sure
  5. I have 3 of those all completely rusted! They bring back good memories though. The measuring tapes don’t even work. I might need to haul off some trash ........
  6. Deal! I looooove catching them out of their deep winter spots
  7. Hahahah. I was hunting through my boat trying to find one that I wouldn’t mind leaving down there in the weather. Bingo! I strapped it to a dock post, no danger of theft .......
  8. This post is mainly for @Jigfishn10 because of his sense of humor. My mom always wants manual labor and a boat ride for Mother’s day. She is worried about our lake house because it’s pretty much gutted so she wanted me to put down some flooring and a vanity in a tiny half bathroom. As you might expect, I got there before she did and stayed after she left so I could get some fishing done! Also I transported one of my kayaks down there for more efficient fish capturing. Lastly, if you don’t have a life jacket as cool as mine, well then ........
  9. Thanks man! I love all your tips and tricks! Although I think geography plays a role as well because the best smallmouthing we have here is snowing sideways or 39 degree drizzle. I imagine a smallmouth that just got done with ice would rather soak up some vitamin D! What about those post rain toads you caught the other day? Was that a warmer rain? Nice smallie! Always dip after the first quick photo haha
  10. I can’t!! Haha. Lots of people catch a 15-20 lb limit in half an hour so I cant make myself fool with a 2 lb bass for that long
  11. 74 I think is what we saw yesterday. I have been seeing them since it got to about 65
  12. I’ve never really seen many bass on a bed except in ponds and shallow rivers. This year I’ve been seeing bunches, either the conditions are right this year or maybe I’m just getting better at finding them. In a total twist of irony, there is a bed right next to my dock! Complete with both a male and female bass! I think the female is 2-3 lbs and the male is about 1. My buddy tried to catch them for 2-3 minutes, they weren’t having it haha. I think we would have tried a little harder if it was 7 lbs.......
  13. I was thinking it looked like a 2 footer!
  14. Congrats!!!
  15. Congrats!!! That’s awesome. Did you happen to get a length on it??
  16. You could launch the jig into outer space that way!
  17. 12 lb mono is good strong stuff. It held a 30 + lb striper for me this spring. Gotta have braid in scum though
  18. Upper 50s to mid 60s
  19. I believe UAB plays in Knoxville this year. I'm a little nervous after what the dragons pulled off last season
  20. Just ribbing ya! I've never actually been in the city outside of my truck. We have to take shots at bama any way we can since we can't compete on the gridiron
  21. And Birmingham is not nearly as cool as Knoxville
  22. I consider a tube a “craw bait.” I catch most of my smallmouth (and largemouth) with a plastic worm
  23. Sounds like the same bottom line associated with 99 percent of exotic species, not just bass fishing specific
  24. I think a lot of the newer research, especially with didymo, has found that felt soles don’t transfer algae any more than any other kind of shoe. A lot of the felt sole bans have been lifted. The key is to dry out your shoes (no matter what kind) before hopping from one watershed to another
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