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Everything posted by TnRiver46

  1. It’s looking like my southern Alabama trip is going to be a little warm this year Maybe the 1mph breeze and only 93% humidity will make it better........ we are tent camping too haha
  2. It’s a lot easier to skip a dock with a spinning reel as well. I always have two spinning rods (and countless round baitcasters haha. I love those things.....)
  3. That’s a really good time of year for ultra shallow topwater smallmouth in my neck of the woods
  4. No problem, except for get in the right lane !!!
  5. I don’t much care for going fast, it’s kind of the reason I’ve only ever fished one bass tournament. I used to like going fast on backroads but apparently pickup trucks aren’t too nimble and a few trees and guardrails later I don’t do that anymore. I’ve also never been on a roller coaster and don’t care for airplanes, I’m a big wimp. Plus I’ve hit plenty of floating and submerged stuff at 25 mph and went through some lower units and props. I’m following Jacob wheelers YouTube channel for the BPT this year and he has been through at least 3 lowers
  6. She will forget quickly thanks to the concussion
  7. Sometimes retrieving your lure from a different angle will trigger a strike where you couldnt previously elicit one.
  8. Reading that post was like looking in the mirror! Keep on fishing how you like to fish!
  9. Hopefully you get to feeling better day after day. I’ve had some spasms lock me up once or twice but not that bad. Once I was pumping gas, got some strange looks laying down on the petrol soaked concrete. Another was getting out of bed, I just couldn’t put my feet on the ground no matter how I tried. Both instances occurred when I was renting a log cabin with no heat so I was trying to be He-man on fire wood all the time. HVAC and a foam roller have all but eliminated my spasms
  10. I love the smell of na palm in the morning.......
  11. I’ve cut open bass full of eggs in June in south Alabama where there’s alligators
  12. Only one way to find out ....... ive never experienced a cold front in the summer
  13. People certainly scare fish and make them nervous..... but they still have to eat. If you make it to a place full of smallmouth where nobody fishes, it’s usually like taking candy from a baby. Then again you can still catch them in a crowd, sometimes very well if you figure out the the magic that particular day
  14. I guess my invite to the pork cook out got lost in the mail??
  15. Sunscreen also helps cover up sweaty fisherman odor if you go out to eat on the way home from the water.........
  16. Ive been known to do that about midnight when I realized we had no bread
  17. I fail to remember and am reminded every year in the late spring that it requires more carbs to climb up and down ladders the hotter it gets outside. I was climbing at the rate of a sloth by 4:30 the other day. Got home and ate supper, all better. Eating a hot meal with sweat dripping off your nose is not always fun but sometimes necessary
  18. That all depends on how much cash you've got! I prefer trying to figure it out myself, which is ironic since I'm a part time fly guide. I'm suppose I'm more of a fly casting instructor . Guides will teach you a ton and shorten the learning curve. Then again some of us enjoy the learning curve part
  19. I started working at a fancy resort as a fly fishing guide in ‘07. This was the first time I ever heard of a “fishing shirt.” I thought there were only t shirts and church shirts. I have to wear them to work up there and I absolutely can’t stand them. Long sleeve button down shirts made out of paper towels is not what I want to fish in. If I’m going fishing after work up there, I take off my “fishing shirt” and put on a cotton t shirt. Cotton has gotten a bad wrap in the outdoor industry but it’s still a multi billion dollar product and I love it. It breathes waaaaaay better than any of that new crap. The answer to the OPs question on why fishing apparel changed is simple: MONEY. If they convince you that you need a $30 shirt to fish in, they win.
  20. Hahahaha! That got me pretty good, I laughed out loud when I read that one.
  21. I don’t think my boss will allow me to sleep all day haha
  22. Update that largemouth to 15.2! Gabe keen caught it in chickamauga 2-3 years ago And the coosa spots are the meanest fish ever was
  23. Wow I bet that was fun!
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