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Everything posted by TnRiver46

  1. Better odds in Massachusetts than Tennessee? Hmmm
  2. I caught a 30 plus pound with a 7' medium heavy and 12 lb mono a month or so ago, it just depends on how you fight them and how strong the current is
  3. ∆check out the tympanum on that one!!! He must work out.......
  4. Hahaha you probably put it near the chainsaw since you knew you'd be hunting it next
  5. Absolutely! Although it may have to be when I return. Cell service is spotty at best down there where time stopped 60 years ago
  6. I’d say you would know better than me, I just thought it looked like the pattern of a leopard (cat) . I don’t know anymore specifics, certainly not male/female. I can’t believe it ate a jig!
  7. Yes sir will do! We usually fish until about 9 am and don’t go back out until 4-5. Lots of sunscreen and bug spray, then there’s all the poison ivy and fire ants and world record alligators......... literally........ 15’9” and 1100 lbs. That thing would run @Kozright out of Hilton head!
  8. Beauties. Looks like an awesome trip
  9. I want to say that’s a PB leopard frog as opposed to bull frog, which is Even more impressive to land with a jig
  10. I wouldn’t call it a backlash but a fairy wand can tangle up with the best of them
  11. I bought one not too long ago hahaha. You can have it if I can find it!
  12. If you don't have two power poles you aren't a real bass fisherman here. Funny thing is their trolling motors have spot lock too but no one is ever sitting still. The main driving force behind it is money, just like the fishing clothing debate on another thread. If they CAN convince you that you need a $3k depth finder, $3k trolling motor and $50 pants, they will gladly sell them to you. Think of how many mouse traps are on the market and the snap traps they designed 100 years ago are still better than any of them
  13. I interpreted the "and no more" as he stopped catching them. I use a plastic worm for search bait and for slow bait. I like to search slowly and thoroughly. I'll stop the day the fish quit eating it....... Been waiting 3 decades so far. Just because you whizz a fast lure by a bass doesn't mean he has to eat it. I've fished a spot for hours with no luck and jumped in with a diving mask only to see big smallmouth everywhere that had been ignoring us
  14. My cousins boyfriend does well in that river with flukes frogs and a spinnerbait. Also never fish anywhere in FLA without trick worms
  15. I went to Michigan in early September 2015 and the smallmouth about pulled me out of a kayak . Angry boogers up there. If it wasn't for the after lunch wind everyday I think I would have stomped em pretty good
  16. Yeah....... Hahaha. We tried night fishing down there about 15 years ago.... never again....... Night time is for hiding in that swamp
  17. I never ate at a western sizzler, I believe it was because my mother despised it. Are they still around? I have used click bait and hijacked my own thread
  18. I knew that would be the only way anyone would click on it!!!
  19. Here's some pics from that camping trip, I bet @BassNJake might even know right where we were! Haha. The walleye was at lunchtime 30 ft down with a poor man's Shakey head
  20. Some stretches are, some stretches aren't . A couple years ago in the middle of summer we were camping on an island in Norris lake (very bass boat friendly) and accidentally stumbled upon an awesome top water smallmouth bite every morning. It only lasted 2-3 hours but they would come up 20 feet to hit a spook
  21. The lakes you mentioned will Be crowded after lunch time with pleasure boats and crowded with fishermen at all times. Chickamauga and ky lake would be good for ledge fishing in summer, granted some big fish will haunt the shallows all year. Dale hollow and priest are smallmouth factories, most guys would drag big jigs around all night in August and skip daytime fishing. They catch some monster brown bass by the moonlight. As far as my neck of the woods, there’s a lot of shallow water rivers. That’s the topwater smallmouth fishing I was referring to in my last post. Tailwaters as well as free stone streams, you can catch big smallmouth at noon with topwater when it’s 95 degree air temp. In fact sometimes they don’t hit it until midday. Guys that are handy with a fly rod can really catch some big ones other subtle topwater bugs this time of year also
  22. It’s looking like my southern Alabama trip is going to be a little warm this year Maybe the 1mph breeze and only 93% humidity will make it better........ we are tent camping too haha
  23. It’s a lot easier to skip a dock with a spinning reel as well. I always have two spinning rods (and countless round baitcasters haha. I love those things.....)
  24. That’s a really good time of year for ultra shallow topwater smallmouth in my neck of the woods
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