Offering a different perspective: my boss is 65 (I'm 34) and it takes him the better part of an hour to park his van in a customer's driveway and get out and do something. Do anything! Literally one hour before he starts working in any fashion. I'm usually done with the project before he has his tool belt strapped on. He has earned it but it's been that way for over 10 years. Manual labor has always been my favorite form of work, the harder the better. If I could move a pile or gravel with a shovel all day, that would be ideal. I honestly enjoy sweating through my clothes before lunch, that stink is a badge of honor. Before all you curmudgeons blame all us youngsters for the demise of society, remember who borne and raised us all. Baby boomers spoiled their kids. They taught us from kindergarten all the way til senior year that our only chance at success was to go to college and work in a cubicle. Well everyone went to college and now are buried in debt. Thanks for the advice! The kids I grew up with that got into manufacturing after high school are making BANK. The kids that went to college are mostly in the red, with a couple exceptions. I have plenty of friends my age that absolutely work their tails off for terrible pay and no benefits. Now, there are plenty of today's kids that just can't manage to show up at work, and it's somewhat alarming. But just blanketing all of us as useless is far from truth. Trade skills were for "dumb kids" when I was in school and that idea was perpetuated by the previous generation, so we aren't completely to blame. Also, the previous generation took discipline and the Bible out of school, the result it what you see on the news