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Everything posted by TnRiver46

  1. Keep the red buoys on your right going up river. A lot of bigger creeks will also have buoys. Once you get outside of the channels be careful and watch the depth. If you are unsure, just trim the motor way up and putz about 5-6 mph to get back into the backwaters . Toss the hollow frog on the scum from now until thanksgiving
  2. It’s not just you. I have the exact same luck with casting crankbaits. If I pull them with the outboard motor, I catch all kinds of fish. Go back to the same areas and cast crankbaits, absolutely nothing. Something about trolling them is magic, they stay down and hit stuff. Bass can’t seem to resist a bait trolled 2 mph and slamming into stuff. Neither can drum and walleye
  3. Winter is your friend in the south.....
  4. My football teams seasons are always over well before winter begins
  5. I agree. Weather hype here is crazy. My two favorite times to go fishing: when it’s raining, and when it’s not raining
  6. 6 lb smallmouth
  7. 90 Percent of winter days are above 40 at my house! It's wonderful
  8. Awesome! January is big smallmouth time
  9. A plastic worm is good for any situation
  10. Got some nice ones today, they were chasing threadfin all morning
  11. Nice!!!
  12. There is something in the bottom left corner of the first pic that I didn't originally see. Kind of looks a fish just above a rock on the bottom
  13. Picture number one is most likely bubbles coming up from bottom depending on how fast you were going. Pic 2 is a tree brushpile or rock pile , my guess is brush. Pic 3 is more bubbles on the left and maybe a ton of baitfish on the bottom right. That or a big grass edge line
  14. Now we are getting mid 60s at night and mid 80s during the day . Feels better
  15. It happens here too, a real bummer. They only spray the residential areas and I live near the industrial river front so I have access to grass in the river channel. But down lake in all the coves with nice houses they get rid of it
  16. Just treat the new water line like the old waterline and fish like you did before. If that doesn’t work out after a bit, back out 20 feet and repeat the process.
  17. Murphy's stout is great! Excellent choice
  18. It has gotten down to zero degrees the last couple years in East TN. Luckily it only happens once or twice a year, I'm not a big fan!
  19. Awesome!! Can't wait to see the results! I firmly believe there's still more good than bad out there, it just doesn't sell on the news
  20. Oh how I long for those temperatures! Still close to 100 most days here, and a humid 70+ early in the morning before sunrise
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