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Everything posted by TnRiver46

  1. Two words: Bobby garland
  2. White/yellow
  3. Oh yeah I forgot about those. I like those
  4. Yeah I've got a sprinker frog still orbiting the earth somewhere. Got a little too excited throwing 50 lb braid as hard as I could
  5. Unfortunately I think people deal with their own wildlife issues down there so I wouldn't be useful.......
  6. Yes I'm glad you joined! Very excellent posted info so far. I fished below Wilson before and struggled, everyone said the current wasn't strong enough (30k). My neighbors dad has a place above the dam in shoals Creek and has been wanting to take me up to wheeler dam from there
  7. I bet I could make the quinoa into an egg sack and catch a rainbow
  8. Take me! Take me!
  9. Hahaha! I can see the UPS man bringing the box to my door and the bait monkey jumping out ........ No fishing plugs can hide from @Jermination. He has a special set of skills and he will find you .
  10. Haha. I don't like it to get dark before 6...... That is all.
  11. Country singer Sammy Kershaw takes it one step further and stays away from "politics, religion, and her." My favorite line from that song: "one more topic I won't touch, that ones her it hurts too much"
  12. I like it in summer and hate it in winter, so I guess I agree with you?
  13. None of them....... I'm the opposite of a gear head .
  14. Depends on which boat. In a kayak I usually take one small box. In a canoe maybe 3 boxes. In my river boat maybe 3 boxes and a bag o' stuff. In my center console, a bunch of BS!
  15. For me, it's the lack of daylight
  16. ^theres another reason not to use braid/leader. Math and statistics are involved. If I have to consider standard deviation while fishing, then I'm doing it wrong
  17. Braid makes everything take longer, even without a leader. No need for knife or scissors with mono. Leaders take up time. No line lasts forever, if you are switching lures it all gets too short at the same rate. If I make a list of pros and cons, it's all cons for braid except no stretch for fishing heavy grass . All cons and only one pro, no thanks.
  18. People who think smallmouth eat anything and aren’t line shy should try to catch these fish. My best is a strike king bitsy tube on 1/8 oz round ball head . If that doesn’t work I try dead sticking a weightless fluke. The only ones I’ve ever successfully dropped on were sitting on bottom. Suspended fish I back off and cast.
  19. I guess that’s slightly better than contracting the virus.
  20. Great story, I have camped at McFarland park
  21. @JediAmoeba, you sir deserve a bulk discount
  22. There were a bunch, several people that got eliminated had a 5 or 6 in their largest fish column
  23. Can’t wait til 1 more hour of fishing after work!!
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