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Everything posted by TnRiver46

  1. They closed the great smoky mountains national park
  2. He had stored himself right in the hollow void under the bathtub. I could see him with a flashlight and mirror from the crawlspace but couldn't reach it even with tongs. Luckily there was an adjacent closet wall that I just cut the drywall and pulled him out I'd go . If nothing else just pull weeds out in the flowerbed
  3. Well the boss told me to shut down today, I guess we are going to see how the backup job goes (delivery driver)
  4. Luckily I believe I’m still considered essential service. I would guarantee my customer this afternoon would say I was essential after I cut a dead possum out of their wall. I’ll spare you guys the photos
  5. smoked it slower this time. Lump charcoal and apple wood chunks
  6. more goose pastrami on the smoker here. I let the woman of the house find and apply all the spices this time, cut down on prep time by about 5,000% haha
  7. Nice!!!
  8. Stocked trout are the same way . Sterile but they still produce eggs or sperm.
  9. There’s a few places around here you can drive 50 miles and go from sunny and 60 to a winter wonderland. Then again that 50 miles will take forever on tiny curvy roads and go from 500 feet elevation to about 6000
  10. I used to pour drano and never had any luck. My uncle said why not just remove the clog with a coat hanger? It works every time but sometimes I wish it wouldn’t.... the things I’ve seen and smelled ........ even found a toothbrush in the bathroom sink drain pipe in the house I bought.
  11. As long as it’s piping hot and there’s nothing added to it, I’m good to go
  12. I saw $1.85 gas yesterday
  13. Glad you had some success, be prepared for more disappointing results, haha. Don’t let slow times get you down, I’ve been fishing a whole lot since I was 2 years old and the skunk knows no boundaries
  14. Hoping for the best for you @Darren. And @N Florida Mike
  15. You have pike in VA??
  16. Sounds like the state of Maine gets it!!!!
  17. How long is that boat? Maybe a used canoe is available in the area
  18. 28???? Ouch. I’d get a new boat or take up welding. New boat would be much cheaper
  19. “Youuuu.......... schmuuuuck!”
  20. Our work is slow with a few exceptions, I lined up another couple of new opportunities. We shall see
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