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Everything posted by TnRiver46

  1. I use about Any species of wood that’s not pine, I’ve had surprisingly good pork using Bradford pear. And it’s always available because they always fall over
  2. Some pretty methed up stuff in this series!
  3. Yeah we are getting a decent amount of calls, people are sitting at home and realizing animals live in their home. Only problem is they won’t stay the heck away from us!!! A coworker and I both tried to stay 6 feet away from customers and they kept getting too close over and over and over.
  4. Well I bought a push mower late last summer and mowed like 4 times with it. This year it won’t start. Drained the gas put in fresh, cleaned off the spark plug, sprayed starter fluid, nothing. They also make engines a lot %#€&&)) er than they used to be!!!! I’ve pulled the freaking rip cord about ten million times until I was ready to pour gas on the thing, strike a match, and shove it in the river!!!!! If only Americans could make as good a motor as Japan........ I’m sick of wasting my money on Briggs and Stratton. My Honda clone predator engine on my swamp boat has sat for years at a time and works like a charm. My buddy has the same engine that he sank in the river, it runs like a top
  5. The fishes appear to be moving shallow and feeding
  6. @Fairtax4me, nice fish! It appears we suck at social distancing in East Tennessee. Kindness may indeed kill us
  7. In TN it's a 10" minimum for keeping. So I keep any over 10" haha
  8. Nice one! I caught a 28” once that weighed about half as much as yours haha. It looked like a skinny snake
  9. That’s crazy about the catfish, those things are tough as nails. As it warms up a lot of fish will have to hit the banks where you are standing, they Won’t lay their eggs where the sun doesn’t hit them. If the water is super clear they can spawn deeper but I’m guessing a large portion of the bass will be in and out of the shallows near the banks in the next month or more in your area
  10. @jbsoonerfan, 3 lbs is a good ‘un!
  11. Well now my boss says we are back at it hahah. Oh mercy
  12. I’m no artist, just a fan of pork rinds.......
  13. I can get a hold of plenty of scrap pork, not the fishing lure but the skin. No clue on how to make trailers but the raw material I can acquire. the picture On page 1 the guy posted of the raw pork, I’ve been known to fry that in a pan and eat it!
  14. Glad you’re back at it mike. We are considered essential but my boss still shut down
  15. Sweet, great looking flies
  16. It was almost as full as Kroger haha
  17. They closed the great smoky mountains national park today. Most visited national park in the US
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