I decided I would try to prove to myself the definition of insanity for the 500th time by trying to catch a black bass with a spinnerbait. It still rings true! It never ceases to amaze me how I can throw one for hours, days, weeks and not catch a bass. And the very SECOND that I pick up a plastic worm I start catching. I guess that means, by definition, I am insane. Anywho, back to the fishing. I started way down the river from where I typically go and tried the spinnerbait on a shallow flat loaded with logs that dropped off steep under the boat. Everytime I would let the spinnerbait flutter down the drop a white bass would railroad it. It was more of the big 2 lb “blue tail” males and they were hitting and fighting incredibly hard. At one point I decided to fire the bait down current, parallel to the drop and something hits hard and starts head shaking, big wide shakes. And I can see it way down there, looks olive/brown and slightly over 2 feet long. It takes off into the fast swirling deep current and takes lots of line off a baitcaster. I’m thinking I have a 6-7 lb smallmouth and I start nervously freaking out trying to decide when to reach down and ready the net. Well my olive brown fish slightly over 2 feet was a channel catfish, and a really fast one at that! Of course I fished a plastic worm and caught 3 black bass and missed more. There were some crazy cloud formations on the way in