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Everything posted by TnRiver46

  1. Did some social distance paddling for a buddy’s birthday. Even got a few fish dragging baits behind the boat
  2. Every boat ramp I’ve ever seen has big rip rap. I put one behind my tire every time I launch. If for whatever reason I can’t find one, I keep a brick and a rip rap in the back of my truck as for the video, his backup lights were on almost until the tailgate hit the water. I also go to neutral when I get within a few hundred feet of the water
  3. Thanks!
  4. A live bluegill will catch them, especially if this is a small body of water. I thought they made nests up against rip rap rocks frequently
  5. Ha! Hadn’t thought about this side effect yet. Our 3 dogs all shed. I did cut my own hair though, all you need is two mirrors
  6. Awesome catch! From a pond? Even more impressive. If only that fish could talk about how he ended up there i know some places around TN that you would have a shot. And the next month would be prime time!
  7. Minnow trap. Small bait swims out of a cast net
  8. FLW allows nets. BASS, MLF and BPT do not allow nets. I’ve fished many years with and without nets. Sometimes you lose them while trying to net, other times you lose them because you didn’t have a net. The latter is much more frequent in my experience. Black bass aren’t so bad without a net, it’s the big catfish and other toothy monsters when it’s really handy to have one
  9. The town of butler is under watauga too, old crow medicine show has a song about it. “My home town....... is a half mile down....... there’s a half mile of water all around, all around!”
  10. About what time should I show up?
  11. Awesome!
  12. Congrats on a great day @nmatthes
  13. The trick worm and finesse worm from zoom do some very subtle shimmying
  14. Catching things twice would be very tricky I would imagine. Just like fishing
  15. Working, fishing, cleaned out a shed, carport, and an outdoor closet Next time just replace the hubs! It cost me like $10 extra dollars and saved hours. Although most are probably faster than me
  16. Trick worm wins every contest it enters in my book
  17. I decided I would try to prove to myself the definition of insanity for the 500th time by trying to catch a black bass with a spinnerbait. It still rings true! It never ceases to amaze me how I can throw one for hours, days, weeks and not catch a bass. And the very SECOND that I pick up a plastic worm I start catching. I guess that means, by definition, I am insane. Anywho, back to the fishing. I started way down the river from where I typically go and tried the spinnerbait on a shallow flat loaded with logs that dropped off steep under the boat. Everytime I would let the spinnerbait flutter down the drop a white bass would railroad it. It was more of the big 2 lb “blue tail” males and they were hitting and fighting incredibly hard. At one point I decided to fire the bait down current, parallel to the drop and something hits hard and starts head shaking, big wide shakes. And I can see it way down there, looks olive/brown and slightly over 2 feet long. It takes off into the fast swirling deep current and takes lots of line off a baitcaster. I’m thinking I have a 6-7 lb smallmouth and I start nervously freaking out trying to decide when to reach down and ready the net. Well my olive brown fish slightly over 2 feet was a channel catfish, and a really fast one at that! Of course I fished a plastic worm and caught 3 black bass and missed more. There were some crazy cloud formations on the way in
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