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Everything posted by TnRiver46

  1. It’s looking like I have to wait til next week. Work is always holding me down
  2. How difficult is the trim job?
  3. I’ve also never found this to be the case. Preconceived notions are the white bass biggest enemy, I’ve fried thousands of them for Hundreds of friends and family and they all want to know when is next time. When we have crappie AND white bass frying, non fishermen prefer white bass 99% of the time. Only avid anglers say crappie is better, thus preconceived notions drive their opinions because they’ve seen the difference in color of the raw meat and heard all the untruths about how nasty they are for years and years. The scientific experiment has already been done, fellas
  4. I can deal with wind but not on the Great Lakes hahaha. There’s always a river bend for me to hide behind down here
  5. You can’t control the weather, only the amount of clothing you put on before you go haha
  6. Strike king Red eye Shad
  7. White bass is a lot of people's favorite in my neck of the woods, to each his own. Crappie tastes fine to me but girlfriend can't get past the mushy texture. White bass is firm flaky fish and if you eat if fresh, it's hard to beat. The only bad ones I've ever had were in the freezer too long
  8. Now the real mystery begins when you go to the same spot under the same conditions, same time of year and day and get no bites
  9. My girlfriend says crappie are the trash fish
  10. I ate two white bass for appetizer yesterday mmmmmmmm
  11. I would go bow fishing for Asian carp. Only problem is I can’t shoot straight haha
  12. I’ve never been there but the ramps I’ve heard of are horse creek and Mitchell creek. Hope you get on some big ones!!!
  13. Middle of the day is my favorite time to fish for big ones but I’m usually at work. I remember reading in bassmaster magazine about fishing top water midday midsummer when I was a kid. I’ve tried it ever since and it works pretty well, River smallies seem to wait until midday to hit it. Why this is the case is non determinable in my opinion. I asked a bass about the moon once and he danced around the question
  14. Haha. Thanks buddy
  15. The only pattern I've noticed with the moon is when it's full I can't catch crap
  16. @Koz says upstate is lousy fishing, head for the low country! Haha. I’ve seen pics of big largemouth And really big brown trout from jocasee. Other than that I know nothing
  17. Smallmouth/spot hybrid known as meAn mouth is very common species in my area
  18. bold prediction for East Tennessee: it will get hot this summer and everyone will say “we didn’t even get a spring this year, straight off into summer again” This statement will come shortly after 3-4 months of gorgeous spring weather. Then from late September to Christmas it will be gorgeous fall weather and the first time it gets cold you will hear “straight off into winter, skipped fall all together “
  19. Today show said this was the warmest year in recorded history. I call BS
  20. The only surprising thing about the weather is that is surprises people year after year
  21. Niiiiiiiiiiceee!!!!!
  22. Great news! Show those fish who is boss. And in case I missed them on another thread, would love to see pics of the new yak all setup
  23. Here now....... Man didn't climb to the top of the food chain to be scared of leeches minnows and centipedes..... Hahaha stores are running out of food, you might look into a philosophy change . Just messing. I have a video of my buddy trying to grab a lamprey off the bottom of my boat that is comedy gold but not family friendly enough to post
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