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Everything posted by TnRiver46

  1. So I’m camping down south, water temp is 80. We eat what we catch, and almost every bass we have caught has been full of eggs and had a bloody tail. In 80 degree water, spots and largemouth. 3 of these “myths” that you hear all the time have been sticking out in my head. 1) 80 degree water in late may, fish are deep and post spawn. I’m sure there are some post spawn fish but it’s almost June and I’m only 100 miles from the Gulf of Mexico. I’ve talked to several anglers, shallow bite is on. 2) spotted bass taste better than largemouth. We ate a whole bunch of each today, both excellent white meat that you couldn’t tel apart. If you think largemouth from warm grassy water is not tasty, you should try again. It’s Pure white flaky and delicious. If you can make fish fillets that look this good taste bad, well....... here’s your sign 3) when people catch bass, they say if it’s a male or female, and then release it. You literally have no idea unless you cut it open. Almost all the smaller fish we cleaned have been females with eggs. P.S. - sorry to the folks that can’t stand the thought of eating a bass, I’m only human after all.
  2. I also got in a frog bite this eve , not as big as @jbsoonerfan fish but fun on @scaleface new favorite the ribbit frog. I had my buddy’s 8 year old with me (big camping group) and he had 3 blow up his frog and one broke him off. He says “can you believe he broke 8 lb line?” Hahahah. I showed him my 65 lb braid and he said that’s rope. It sure is fun fishing veg that we don’t have back home
  3. That sounds awesome @RoLo! I wish I was around when fur was valuable. I still skin some just to keep the tradition alive but it’s a negative endeavor as far as cash
  4. Hahaha. Good point......
  5. I know some folks with them but I think they’ve had them forever
  6. I have only a 130. Wouldn’t recommend it haha. Had it 1.5 years and got one bite that I didn’t hook
  7. Started having a little better luck down here on the southern swing, found some Shad. Can anyone guess which of the 3 is a largemouth? @NorcalBassin , @lo n slo and @Bluebasser86 not allowed to guess......
  8. Amen. Even if they ain’t bitin, I’d still like to be out there trying
  9. I dont know much of my family history, would have to defer to my aunt as she is the expert on all that. I believe she said the oldest recorded relative she found was John Woods, a union soldier killed in battle and buried in Virginia. Dad and grandpa both served and made it out alive, only to both die young upon returning. God be with all the others lost in battle and their families.
  10. Get a truck and a boat!
  11. I’m fishing in Alabama right now and it’s very difficult, just like most years we come here. The bass here have been watching lures go by frequently since the 60s
  12. 1/8 oz for 3 inch. Match the hook/jig size to the minnow. Bigger minnow, bigger jig
  13. @Hower08, she’s standing so I guess it’s pretty good. We did zero research before buying haha. We saw 8 of them get purchased during the sale in the 45 minutes we were at the store so we had to act quickly
  14. It still hasn’t gotten wet! Should know later today
  15. Frogging and punching
  16. Join the Long tail club! It’s never too late
  17. Good to know, thanks!!
  18. Wow! Congrats on an awesome trip!!!
  19. My Italian neighbor had a wildlife issue that I solved and she kept wanting to pay me. After I refused a couple times, she said “I’ll let you know next time I get a gravy going.” Oh my word I believe it was ziti that she brought over but I foundered on it for 3 days
  20. Torpedo is solid, 2 16 oz cans for $3 at almost every gas station in the area
  21. My buddy has a long sit - in kayak and he leaves us in the dust regularly. They have Kayak time trials near my house every Wednesday evening and some folks can really fly
  22. My fiancé always said she wanted a jackson kayak instead of an engagement ring. Everyone else said don’t be stupid you better get a ring anyway. So I got the ring back in the winter, nothing terribly fancy and not expensive. The local shop says they are driving to the plant to get “blemished” boats and sell for 30% off sticker price. They also had some Jackson bite kayaks 15% off brand new boats. She says out loud probably 3 times that we are getting the Jackson bite but then we saw the Liska, designed by a fly fisherman. She would rather fly fish than conventional so we ended up getting the Liska for 30 % off. Thank goodness she didn’t want a $10,000 diamond! Fits nicely on her tiny car
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