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Everything posted by TnRiver46

  1. Everything was all the same for me
  2. I agree on the crappie, my fiancé won’t eat them. More for me though!!! They taste great it’s just a soft texture that turns off the lady
  3. Interesting morning! Alarm goes off at 4:45 and I can see lightning . This was the only day it wasn’t supposed to rain on the week long trip. Crazy bad storm goes through, sitting in the tent for an hour anxious to get out and start fishing, especially after only catching one fish in 3 sessions yesterday (Wednesday). The boat is tied to a dock and my batteries were almost underwater. Finally get out and there’s a decent Shad spawn but yet again can’t get them to hit. I ran upriver to a really long slough full of cypress but the grass point looked too good to pass up. Hooked a ball of line, trying to extract from the water, and yet another 20lb horsefly starts eating me. I’m going to look like a pin cushion when I get home. Anyway, start frogging, nothing. Grass and cypress for miles, how is this possible. Go back to the tried and true from years ago on this trip, weightless hand pour Junebug stick worm up against cypress stumps. The second one I threw a small bass bites and jumps off. A clue! Then I boat a dink. Then I get stuck in a cypress and break a spinning rod out of frustration trying to rip it out. Cypress branches can be beyond frustrating at times. So I tie the stick worm onto the heavy rod with 65 braid. A few more stumps and the line is trucking off to the right. I don’t use braid often unless I’m in a swamp, so I’m not so used to it. I set the hook really hard and about broke my arm and lost grip of the rod! Haha. Somehow the fish is still on but has wrapped around another cypress. It jumps and I see it’s a nice fish, look down to grab the net and there’s a 5 gallon bucket with a cast net in it and 2 tackle boxes in the net! Somehow I land a 3 lb 4 oz largemouth, a blind hog finds an acorn every one else in a while! I’ve never been glad to break a rod but I was today, no way I land that thing on spinning gear and 10 lb mono
  4. Methinks the world record is 25 even from old hickory lake near Nashville edit: saw @Tennessee Boy post after I did
  5. I’m sure you are familiar with what happens when you assume things......
  6. Wish I could help you! Last time I took apart a TM head I broke it. I always hire electrical work done
  7. Manatees, snakes eating fish, alligator/egret noise making ccompetitions, pigs swimming across, deer swimming across, two separate occasions a squirrel swam across, a red fox swimming across, raccoons snatching my plastic worms and live Shad out of the water, all kinds of ridiculousness. I constantly see bald eagles near my house and also saw two on my camping trip this morning. In Jackson hole Wyoming I saw a brown bear trying to remove a dead elk from the lake.
  8. My man gon knock you out!!! ive cut my own hair since high school, just like mowing the yard. I’m not winning any fashion contests, I guess that’s about the time I just quit caring about what other people think
  9. It’s easy with boats too, one bottle says engine oil and the other says gear lube. Right on the label!!! What will they think of next???
  10. Crazy. I like my water 47-49! Haha
  11. 80 degree water in Michigan? There are a lot of years the Tennessee river in Knoxville never reaches 80
  12. I have captured the elusive yellow tail snapper. Talk about a weird way to fish! Throw handfuls of sand and oats into the water, free spool the bait into the sand cloud, and reel in your fish when you get bit without setting the hook
  13. The thing that gets me is when people try to tell everyone that bass are nasty to eat when they have never eaten them. Typically in my area it’s tournament anglers or strictly bass only anglers that treat them like Hindu cows and can’t stand the thought of guys like me killing them. That’s why this worldwide forum is so awesome, before I found bass resource I was beginning to think I was the only person in the world that ate bass. I’ve caught some major flack and been just about blacklisted on local forums. I’ve also had people at boat ramps literally tell me not to eat bass. I mean what in the world is that all about????
  14. Awesome, thank you
  15. Cool! Thanks for the info, never heard of it but I will be watching!
  16. They like to eat jerkbaits in summer too!!
  17. @Jermination has one of these, he installed himself and calibrated the spot lock, maybe he can help
  18. There’s another popular opinion around here that white bass taste like Shad. People tell me that almost every single time until they eat it, then they say it’s delicious
  19. I need one of these doodads and maybe half a dozen worm gears. Ambassador 4600c3’s. I’ve ordered from mike’s reel repair in the past, good service, but would rather get them from a contributor to these forums like maybe @Delaware Valley Tackle. Got a lot of hitches in my giddyups
  20. In exchange for........?
  21. That’s because they stock them every single year. The First generation hybrid fl/northern make up 99% of the trophy bass (genetic tests) and when you stock every year there is always a first generation hybrid. The Florida bass Genes would be gone from the population (bed out by natives) if they didn’t continue the stocking every year
  22. I do love mackerel!!
  23. Have you cut open any to find out for sure?
  24. We have walleye, I eat them every time a keeper hits the deck. They are better than largemouth but barely. Really taste extremely similar, walleye meat just looks a little better. Actually now that think about it, I let a keeper walleye go once and made the mistake of telling the little lady about it. Woops! I thought she was going to fillet me
  25. WEre down here til Saturday, come on! Down river from selma a little ways
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