Interesting morning! Alarm goes off at 4:45 and I can see lightning . This was the only day it wasn’t supposed to rain on the week long trip. Crazy bad storm goes through, sitting in the tent for an hour anxious to get out and start fishing, especially after only catching one fish in 3 sessions yesterday (Wednesday). The boat is tied to a dock and my batteries were almost underwater. Finally get out and there’s a decent Shad spawn but yet again can’t get them to hit. I ran upriver to a really long slough full of cypress but the grass point looked too good to pass up. Hooked a ball of line, trying to extract from the water, and yet another 20lb horsefly starts eating me. I’m going to look like a pin cushion when I get home. Anyway, start frogging, nothing. Grass and cypress for miles, how is this possible. Go back to the tried and true from years ago on this trip, weightless hand pour Junebug stick worm up against cypress stumps. The second one I threw a small bass bites and jumps off. A clue! Then I boat a dink. Then I get stuck in a cypress and break a spinning rod out of frustration trying to rip it out. Cypress branches can be beyond frustrating at times. So I tie the stick worm onto the heavy rod with 65 braid. A few more stumps and the line is trucking off to the right. I don’t use braid often unless I’m in a swamp, so I’m not so used to it. I set the hook really hard and about broke my arm and lost grip of the rod! Haha. Somehow the fish is still on but has wrapped around another cypress. It jumps and I see it’s a nice fish, look down to grab the net and there’s a 5 gallon bucket with a cast net in it and 2 tackle boxes in the net! Somehow I land a 3 lb 4 oz largemouth, a blind hog finds an acorn every one else in a while! I’ve never been glad to break a rod but I was today, no way I land that thing on spinning gear and 10 lb mono