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Everything posted by TnRiver46

  1. Here’s a video of Rachel going through in the new Jackson Liska
  2. Another fun camping trip! We had about 12-15 people do an overnight Saturday/Sunday float, maybe 18-20 miles of river with a couple class 3 rapids. Fishing was a little tough, big full moon and a lot of fish were still spawning, that’s our excuse anyway. I think there were a few Muskie sightings and some delicious frog legs! There were a lot of folks flipping boats but everyone was fine. We borrowed my buddies old town 158 and it was awesome, filled it half full of water a few times but never even came close to flipping. My fiancé of course paddled her new Jackson with canine Bo in tow. He stole her chair everytime she got up.... at the end of the trip there’s a rapid called devils jump, I forgot to get a good pic of it but the bottom picture is where it all spits out, several folks swam it. Tyler captured some good video of everyone going through from that rock he’s on. Edit: I got a grainy version of the video added at the bottom
  3. Carp are useless. They hit lures about as frequently as the browns make the playoffs
  4. I think the first time I was knocked out I was about 10 years old and headed for the makeshift end zone thinking about my celebration. Next thing I know I’m waking up looking at a root. It’s a lot more pleasant when a doctor does it
  5. Yeah I drove my aunt to hers and made the mistake of sitting next to the bathroom in the waiting room
  6. I learned to never take off sunglasses working on a lawn care crew. I’ve finished weedeating many a yard in the dark wearing sunglasses. It only takes once and you’re out an eyeball.
  7. Zoom , color depends on location. Rigged weedless on an 1/8 oz round ball jig head
  8. Because the bait monkey dabbles in rods and reels too
  9. Savages........without eyelids......
  10. They will eat their own offspring and not even blink. And humans think it’s cruel to catch them off their nest
  11. I like mayo but I don’t like watching carp it eat fresh out of a squeeze bottle
  12. I saw a waitress feed them mayonnaise one time, thank goodness I had already finished my food
  13. Like every restaurant on the water??
  14. I believe it was the always exciting grey squirrel
  15. breakfast has been foregone this morning, more pressing matters are up in the Maple tree
  16. The ones in the reservoirs where I live can be hand fed, and caught with bread or corn. The carp in the river shoals will move out of the way to let corn go by then reposition.
  17. I used to have some snake topwaters that worked pretty decent and I cleaned a bass with a snake in its throat once. There’s a pond at work where a big bass will follow a 5’ water snake everywhere it swims
  18. Does the ribbit frog count or is that in the toad category? I like em!
  19. With a bow and arrow
  20. Ribeye of the sky
  21. I saw this black racer go across a customers driveway today. But I was there for raccoon not snake
  22. those mice can be real man eaters......
  23. The state lottery paid for my college degree
  24. 3/0 not at all too big for a senko. I usually go 4/0 or 5/0 but I use hand pour imitation stick worms that float without a hook
  25. I get skunked sometimes while fishing but I get skunked a lot while trapping at work
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