That secret lies inside your brain, my friend
im not going to call myself a big bass expert but a lot of replies seem like everyone thinks if you find a magic spot you catch the biggest fish automatically. Also the quote about being able to see underwater........ I can tie these together.........
I snorkel a lot and you will be very surprised how many big bass are always around and don’t bite lures. I also believe these fish swim around and don’t always eat at the same spot. How many times have you personally or your friends set up in the perfect spot to kill a monster buck and the thing was somewhere else? Veeeeerry very sneaky....... I can fish a place for hours and catch nothing, jump in with snorkel and see big bass just staring back at me. Since I can’t shoot them with a rifle like a monster bucks, I just enjoy the swim. In the world of fish and game, the most targeted creatures are the most wary. They respond to the pressure applied to them and adapt. A good example, coyotes...........
to @A-Jays question, I vote suspended, like @Jermination. Probably because we fish the same waters