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Everything posted by TnRiver46

  1. You have a lot to learn about the purple worm young grasshopper
  2. Loaded question........ It depends......
  3. I caught an eel in the ocean two days ago. Very terrifying. Maybe fiance will send me the video since I smashed my phone on a jetty
  4. If you don’t like the heat, stay outta the kitchen!!
  5. Wheeler won a Forrest wood cup
  6. I don’t know, seems as though they’ve endured worse over the last couple million years I’ve eaten some nasty mess but I don’t think that will be on the menu. Had some friends tell me it’s awful
  7. Now your secret is on the internet haha
  8. x marks the log if you are at Maloney road park
  9. @galyonj, I caught some nice bass on the point out from that dock when I was living in the dorms in college. Always got funny looks riding the elevator and walking to the parking garage with rods. Seems like they might have built a gazebo on the point last I saw, big log jam below it holds bass
  10. Guntersville and chickamauga would definitely be hot but people still catch big uns. Maybe not limits of monsters like they do in winter but a large kicker is still possible. Granted I live 2-3 hours from those spots and rarely go, I’m not so good at the green bass game. I like chasing river smallmouth and big stripers with topwaters in mid august. It will be brutal hot and hard to breathe the thick air anywhere down this way in august, but I’ve been to Philadelphia in summer and it felt just the same haha
  11. @NorcalBassin, down here in hillbilly country, the old timers refer to that smallmouth personality trait as “bite ya as soon as look at ya!” Other creatures like yellow jackets and horseflies have also earned this designation. “I only caught 3 smallmouth, but dem thangz is so mean they’d bite ya soon as look at ya”
  12. This is why I rarely use it, there’s not a single fishing spot without a rock anywhere near me. I keep it on one rod for topwater over milfoil edges
  13. My most expensive combo is probably $50, but I’ve got a lot of used stuff
  14. The clip of rose catching the 9 came across you phone when I was at the shop earlier, he might as well have just hand lined it in. But hey, it worked!
  15. I think you make less than retiring doing that...... haha
  16. Thanks for details and pictures, it’s crazy to me how fast the water warms up that way. Blows my mind every year haha
  17. Also, on the TN river, there should be a green buoy on one side of the river ledge and red on the other side
  18. Not all raccoons are nocturnal, he probably got tired of not being able to find that bird seed after dark! Haha. The operate at low tide near the beach, we see them at noon in SC and FLA if the tide is right. Those jokers will steal ANYTHING
  19. This thread is horrifying!!!!
  20. Not one but two disaster days??? Ouch! Hope things turn around for you quickly..... I hate breaking off on snags, it drives me batty. River smallmouth is most of what I fish so I can feel your pain. One thing I never use anymore is braid in the river, it gets chewed up. A lot of times I will just say “forget it” and switch to a weightless worm rigged weedless. Sometimes those days end up being great because I can keep the lure wet and I’m not paddling around trying to get a ned rig unsnagged
  21. After seeing your trail cam pics, there will be an otter in that pond very soon
  22. There are several that live around my house, and I live 3 miles from the middle of downtown. You can see them basically everyday if you are on the river long enough. There were two living in tall pines where I camped in south Alabama during Memorial Day week. Then on this weekends camping trip, one flew straight down the gorge close to the water at the campground before we even shoved off. I’ve got too many pictures of them to count, my buddy calls them “buzzards wearing tuxedos” haha
  23. Well........ Kentucky lake goes from “pert’near alabama clear across-t to darn near illi-noise!!” so it might not be the best one to transition to from ponds... I grew up fishing everything and ponds were always easier, reservoirs were always harder. It makes sense, there’s no escape for fish in a pond. You know your lure will be in front of a fish because most of them can’t leave the pond. This increases confidence, and in turn success. The TN river contains lots of smart bass, KY lake being one of the most popular. And it’s monstrous. A good way to get started on larger reservoirs is fish below the dams, while wearing PFD and being cautious. Everything is more predictable and there are far less options to choose from
  24. If you’re counting 70 scales, might as well fillet it
  25. That secret lies inside your brain, my friend im not going to call myself a big bass expert but a lot of replies seem like everyone thinks if you find a magic spot you catch the biggest fish automatically. Also the quote about being able to see underwater........ I can tie these together......... I snorkel a lot and you will be very surprised how many big bass are always around and don’t bite lures. I also believe these fish swim around and don’t always eat at the same spot. How many times have you personally or your friends set up in the perfect spot to kill a monster buck and the thing was somewhere else? Veeeeerry very sneaky....... I can fish a place for hours and catch nothing, jump in with snorkel and see big bass just staring back at me. Since I can’t shoot them with a rifle like a monster bucks, I just enjoy the swim. In the world of fish and game, the most targeted creatures are the most wary. They respond to the pressure applied to them and adapt. A good example, coyotes........... to @A-Jays question, I vote suspended, like @Jermination. Probably because we fish the same waters
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