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Everything posted by TnRiver46

  1. Congrats!!! Don’t see double digit bass come across here too often
  2. ^this man knows a thing or two about pike and jerkbaits
  3. Hahaha! I was just thinking I bet the loons I see in TN fly to New Hampshire at least once a year ! We have them in summer and winter , kind of crazy. I wish someone could ask the birds if they need any help from humans
  4. I’ve been seeing tons of loons on the TN river lately, and it’s one of the most polluted rivers in the world according to those conservationists. Methinks where there are plentiful baitfish populations, the loons will be fine. I have a wildlife degree and have worked in the field for 13 years after college, there are unfortunately loads of misinformation at ALL levels of natural resources.
  5. I thought the exact same thing. Had you changed to a spinnerbait they probably wouldn’t hit it haha
  6. I think you’ve been reading too many articles! I’ve never once had a problem with line twist on a Texas rig, and a Texas rig is about all I fish with. And I fish a lot
  7. It just simply costs too much so I guess I’ll never try it
  8. I've never used tungsten
  9. If you are asking about trolling, it’s a no doubter when you get a bite, regardless of the rod being in your hand or in a rod holder. A 10 inch bass will double it over even at 1.7 mph
  10. Someone is actually paying attention!
  11. Shew! Too hot for java down this way
  12. Good to hear from ya again!!
  13. The vertical lines near the bottom are more than likely grass stems if I had to guess. A thermocline should show as more of a horizontal line, I find them by swimming! Haha
  14. $35 for 100 yards of line? Somebody done lost they mind
  15. Well it depends on which boat I’m covering. Just make sure it’s a little longer than the boat and you are good to go. To keep it tight, tie it off to opposite sides of the trailer and wrap it tight like a present. If you have any trees nearby use them as lash points or maybe drive stakes in the ground and tie off to them. Truckers hitch is your best friend! this boat in the picture tarped to keep leaves and UV out, it’s tilted enough for water to run out of the drain plug. Not a boat I use frequently, the tarp is ripped and a few years old but it still keeps most stuff out. I keep my bigger boat in the carport dry as a bone ......... fiancé doesn’t like that but it’s one thing I insist on hahaba
  16. This was made just after ww2, it’s the toughest thing of all time. It has cherry max structure rivets
  17. I buy one cheap tarp per year. Life hack: use tennis balls or golf balls inside the tarp to tie off instead of running the rope through the metal gromets (because they rip out if you tie it tight on the cheap tarps). I find no need to buy a high dollar tarp, they make new ones all the time. Even a busy man like me can make a trip to the store once a year also I had a buddy with a boat that was ruined BECAUSE it was covered....... a stray cat got in there and ripped all the upholstery, once he took the cover off it never came back. I have also seen covered boats on dock lifts annihilated by raccoons. The moral of those stories is check on it every once in a while
  18. Hahaha, they certainly aren’t picky
  19. That exact tactic catches the heck out of smallmouth bass as well, including the world record. But we all know old records are fake anyway.......
  20. Hahah, the proper name of garbage can panda bears. The 64,000 dollar question is: why did they name a fishing pole after a raccoon?
  21. “Procyon” also happens to be the genus of raccoon, aka procyon lotor.
  22. I have airplane rivets in my 1957 aluminum........ they won’t drill out or punch out. They sure as heck don’t leak but I can’t replace the wood in the transom haha. Two hours with angle grinder and titanium drill bit and we never got the first one out
  23. Are you...... me? Wha?? That bait seems right up your alley for shallow pitching. I use it for smallies in roaring current up against the bank on a heavy Texas rig, they chomp it. Judging by your videos, you like a skirted jig or yum bug better?
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