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Everything posted by TnRiver46

  1. Owwwww. Somehow I did that with a hammer
  2. Caught a couple with @Bluebasser86 bladed jig in what I think is milfoil
  3. Well said! I’ve experienced a lot of the same things, very cool
  4. I talked to my buddy from the area , apparently it’s a thing that’s been going on since forever
  5. I’ve caught 30 lbs striper with that set up and they pull much faster
  6. https://www.timesdaily.com/news/tva-seeking-information-about-people-sitting-on-wilson-dam-spillway-gate/article_f349b5e7-b981-57a7-a225-fb61053d0cb8.html
  7. You sir, have reminded me of a song. Thank you “Politics can start a fight, religion’s hard to know who’s right.... one more topic I won’t touch, that one’s her it hurts to much” Great tune
  8. I just drag my 18 ft center console up onto the rocks and tie the rope around a big rock and then set yet another rock on the rope haha. I’ve seen some things....... there’s one ramp near home that I can tie off to a tree and just let it float.
  9. double!
  10. Never more than two consecutive trips! I would panic
  11. Ace hardware
  12. Definitely try it and see how it goes. I have the best luck catching the shad and leaving them in a bucket for about 1 minute then change the water completely. There’s some nasty mess that comes out on the initial water change. You would think there’s constant water change happening with your bucket but I’ve never tried that method before. Maybe add a lid to keep the sun off them? I really like your idea and will probably try it in the future
  13. They seem like the tuna of the river, always on the move and blowing up baitfish
  14. They were born angry, that’s for sure. I think I’ve caught them with almost every lure possible. Their propensity to hit artificial lures combined with what @Russ E mentioned about the tacos makes white bass my most frequent target year round. Also you can keep 15 a day of any size in TN so that helps. Thanksgiving until April is the best season to load up on them for me but the summer jumps can be glorious if you hit it at the right time
  15. I also feel qualified To be offended based on the amount of potatoes I have consumed
  16. @Jermination was indeed casting the drop shot about 1/4 mile. At one point it sailed over a mountain the man said he wanted to drop shot smallies, we went into shallow water not typically thought of drop shot territory. Guess what it worked, clearly you don’t have to fish it vertically. to the OP about having two drop shot rods, if I’m using a heavy sinker I just put it on one of my baitcasters. If it’s clear water and using heavy sinker, I add some 6 or 8 lb test mono leader to whatever line is on the bait caster. Sometimes in winter on highland reservoirs, I will just lay a rod down and drag a heavy drop shot along while casting at the bank with tubes and hair jigs
  17. Yes it should start moving in a couple/3/4 hours if you are only 20 miles away depending on volume. Higher volume moves faster. The current right now is not nearly as strong as it will be in fall and winter . Check TVA.com for the volume that goes in an out of each dam each hour. Then when you click “operating guide” it will show a line graph of the lake elevation each day here’s the current conditions at KY dam About 34000 cfs, that’s minimal for KY, in winter it’s often over 200,000 cfs
  18. Water below surface is always colder than the top unless it’s the dead of winter. I’ve not spent Much time on ky lake but the bays on all the other TN river lakes are effected by current. There is no flat land here so water is always rolling downhill. Unless you are fishing very close to the dam, the effects of when they turn them off and on are felt hours later. For instance, in Knoxville the holston river is controlled by Cherokee dam. Cherokee pumps water almost every afternoon but it doesn’t reach Knoxville until morning and is typically raging fast until mid afternoon. It’s usually 12-16 hours before the effects are felt downtown Knoxville
  19. It comes through water willow nicely and around milfoil and hyrdrilla edges. Cheese mats clog up the buzzer
  20. Give me Norris over those two any day. I’m not a tourney competitor so just one big smallie in deep clear water is all I want. And I can usually make it happen
  21. People catch catfish 70+ feet down all over Tennessee River, I’m guessing that wouldn’t be possible with thermocline
  22. Methinks this is because the “administrations” are “elected” with funding they receive from big pharma
  23. Turning the page is hard but we are still reading the book. May you be blessed with strength from above to start this latest chapter. I know I speak for several members here when I say we are glad to have your years of input and wisdom and look forward to many more years of it
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