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Everything posted by TnRiver46

  1. That pays off! Old timers will take a buzz bait and a stout rod with no reel and buzz it through the same brushpile all night. Eventually ole bucket mouth gets mad enough to chomp it
  2. Tournaments without electronics? As many have mentioned, they already have those. It’s called Florida
  3. Minnow traps work well, I hang one off my dock and can usually get shiners in 10-15 minutes. Thou shalt not attempt throwing a cast net from a kayak (I wish I could say I hadn’t tried it). Even my fiancé’s big kayak you can stand in, its a bad idea. I throw a cast net into some very shallow shoals and catch shiners stone rollers and creek chubs, like 1-3 inches of water. Just walk out there into the shoals and watch for flashes or jumping minnows. 1/4 mesh net is best for these slender shaped minnows but they are expensive. When throwing a net into super shallow water, you will rip it to shreds fairly quick so I use the cheaper 3/8” mesh.
  4. Nobody better to ask than a stone mason, how’s my wound progressing @Way north bass guy? It appears the flapper has re attached
  5. If the regular fluke is the one with the keeled belly, I like fishing them on a jig head
  6. I’ve always thought aluminum drift boat would be the dream but I sure can’t afford one. My buddy that guides daily out of a drift boat also uses 4 hp. The anchors we use around here look like a cylindrical floating mine, I’ll see if I can find a picture. I also thoroughly enjoy rowing an inflatable raft with a frame that is set up like a drift boat, they bounce off rocks and can go crazy shallow edit: found a pic. $140? I’d pour my own hahaha
  7. It’s hard to play the wind when approaching humans though
  8. Just rub some dirt on it
  9. I’m glad I don’t think I’ve ever seen an algae bloom
  10. Been waiting for that!
  11. I went to a job the other day where they had already tried the terriers. We try not to even do rat jobs and price them high. People still call constantly because they CANNOT stop feeding birds and we are the only people that will come more than one time. They usually have pest control that will put our poison but never get to the bottom of it. Sometimes pet food is the cause but most often it’s bird feeders. Also anyone that hires us usually has money and lives in a fancy neighborhood, therefore they don’t want a pack of dogs tearing their yard up. anything can be snared but 99% of my work photos would get me on a government watch list if I put them online haha. Let’s just say a rat in a trap is often times eaten
  12. Try 4/0 round bend , they work better for me. The ewg points inward just a bit, I would about rather have it pointing out slightly The zoom horny toad is a good one
  13. I just left a new rat job. If they are stealing the bait , you’ve got them right where you want them. Just keep re baiting every single day and they will make a mistake eventually. Try fiddling with the trip pan tension or adding wider things to it like wire mesh they might step on. The ninja rat Refuses to be captured and avoids all traps. The ninja rat is always alone and can sometimes take several months to catch. I usually have to get creative with a size 55 conibear or a snare to get the ninja. One time there was a ninja rat stuck in a garage that figured out how to live there. Between me and the customer, we tried it all. After several weeks the rat started chewing on door jambs leading me to believe he was stuck. The only thing that worked was crack the door and let it out. Don’t even get me started on the subterranean rats that travel old sewer lines and show up in houses. If trapping rats was easy, they would be extinct and the plague wouldn’t have killed several million people
  14. They like moles too
  15. Always check rules and regs before any fishing anywhere. Ohio he is all good to use up to 100 crawdads or 500 minnows. Or 500 total in combination. And you can’t release live minnows in a watershed they didn’t come from
  16. Judging by his screen name, I don’t think he’s in Minnesota
  17. You sir have a ninja rat. I’ve encountered many such rats, they suck. When you say they have grown wise to snap traps, you mean they rob the bait or they won’t touch them?
  18. If you catch your minnows in the same river you fish, they will stay alive for a few days in a bucket with bubbler . I’ve had my buddy drop off buckets full on my front porch in the summer that I used a day later
  19. Love the menace! I broke one off Monday and a little smallmouth ripped the flapper off another. Sadness.... I’ve never tried the speed craws, hoping they are a cheaper alternative
  20. I didn’t buy split shot but they had a bunch. I think they took all the tackle from America and brought it to east TN
  21. The one I mentioned isn’t anti perspirant, I guess I missed that part. Sweat is a natural reAction to heat so instead of trying to squash it, I just get one that covers up the smells for a day
  22. Never tried that one, minnows and craws really only need fresh water every now and then, not necessarily constant. Although constant fresh water keep anything more lively. My buddies uses a bubble box on a perforated bucket with good success
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