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Everything posted by TnRiver46

  1. I’m sure he got rid of it the same day
  2. I’m glad you had a fun time! I fished one tournament and it was my last haha
  3. Fish love flats!
  4. Luckily, the wind almost never comes from the East where I live. But I will say everyone has always told me fishing is a futile effort when it does happen
  5. What a glorious thread
  6. There’s a guy that does a parody of that petty song about the movie deliverance. “Ned beeeeeaaaattttyyy played the hardest part!”
  7. Awesome day, hard to believe nobody else was there. I can fish the dead of winter and there will be fishermen everywhere with nothing biting at all. And someone will go by on a jet ski
  8. Nice fish. Sounds like my kind of place!
  9. duck dog ain’t much help flooring. She almost color matches though
  10. Well let’s see a picture of it!
  11. Ah ! I saw a guy use one of those on YouTube . That fish in the picture is the only native trout in my area, quite the resilient fish
  12. I rode a ferry out of Sandusky Ohio and huge waves were splashing onto the cars. Huge I say! Likely to drown a man. I considered kissing the ground when we made it back
  13. Works pretty well for that Not exactly sure what a photo tank is
  14. I’d gladly buy some of yours if you sell them
  15. Yes I enjoy microfishing small tributaries
  16. Well I hang out in the middle of the river all summer but I’m a glutton for punishment! I have also seen some vicious top water schooling in super hot water. Near my house, the water is always fast and cool. Down river a ways closer to the next dam, it slows down and warms up. Late summer most of the shad are down lake up on the surface in the hot water. They are almost thick enough to walk on and always getting busted
  17. Do you make swing heads? I could use some. They are quite pricey in the store
  18. Lots of schooling action on top water. Saw a football field full of white bass going bananas on top but couldn’t get there in time
  19. Congrats!
  20. Up north!
  21. From the middle of my chest out to my finger tip
  22. Leaking rivets are minor. Put the plug in and fill up boat with water hose. Then look under to see where water comes through . I knocked a rivet all the way out once and put JB weld in the top and bottom. It never leaked again
  23. I don’t like the idea of hooking my hand 10 feet underwater when the lure is stuck to a log. So no. I also have never bought a lure over $9.99
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