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Everything posted by TnRiver46

  1. Smaller the better if you are solo. It will be tricky for sure, , I know of no way to anchor them. You have to Jam the poles into the rocks in fast water and kick/flip rocks upstream of the net. Best way is one man holding the poles and the other man kicking rocks
  2. I just use sticks from the woods or golf clubs with no heads haha
  3. We also have a female dog that doesn’t tolerate other female dogs. She’s the home security system haha
  4. Unfortunately I think the answer to your pondering is “youll never know until you try it” so I would just drop shot with an ice rod and see how it goes. If it doesn’t work, maybe you can sell the ice rod back to the north country
  5. Just get ya a hole saw and go to work!
  6. Drop down through the scupper hole???
  7. Yeah, I get that. But they are all fishing in a TV tournament so how would they think that wouldn’t happen? Lame excuse if you ask me
  8. Golden shiner would be my guess . They get big
  9. You just want to eat all the bacon
  10. So, Kreit and mcclelland thought they could drive a bass boat into the ocean in a televised tournament and they wouldn’t show it on TV? this entire thread makes zero sense
  11. Disclaimer: I haven’t read he book and I never will. The only books about fishing I have any interest in reading are ones where people just tell fish stories. Books about fish behavior or instructional books about catching fish are beyond useless (for me).
  12. I always use one guy to hold the net and the other guy to kick. And the more aggressive the kicking, the more bait you catch.
  13. Well yeah but it works better elsewhere
  14. Like I said, simpler in a marsh down south
  15. Minnow trap, available at wal mart
  16. Some success but not nearly enough. Easier to grab or net. The most I ever saw at once was washing dishes in a creek after dark. I had plenty of craws this weekend and the fish didn’t much care for them. soft plastic grubs , live shad, and live or dead helgrammites worked way better. More juicy meat, less exoskeleton . I would try trapping minnows, better bait and easier to catch. And there’s always a crawdad or two in a minnow trap
  17. No clue man, sorry. I had a buddy take a deep dive into crawfish trapping and he got next to nothing. You need a marsh in Louisiana or Mississippi to have great results . If you leave bacon in the river, something will surely steal it! Crawfish are scavengers and aren’t picky about what they eat
  18. Ouch. A seine also works well but you might need to be healthy first
  19. Buddy you’ve put more effort and thought into this than anyone I’ve ever heard. I would just keep flipping rocks
  20. Send them to me! I don’t even hunt and I love them. I’m sure you remember the pastrami threads from last goose season
  21. Why sell that???
  22. I’m not sure on the teal but there’s an early goose sept 1 and there’s still way too many geese everywhere. They encourage quite a liberal goose harvest but most people don’t fool with them. Here’s the pic I just received
  23. You need one with an orange T on it....... Worked out well for this guy
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