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Everything posted by TnRiver46

  1. They also hanged an elephant in Erwin, TN. There’s a book about it https://blueridgecountry.com/archive/favorites/mary-the-elephant/
  2. I can! Haha
  3. Let’s not forget the game winning touchdown burrow threw right before that field goal that was wiped of for a BS call
  4. Disclaimer: I don’t catch many largemouth so pardon my excitement Crazy day. So they finally started dropping the lakes upstream of me. That means 2 (two) 30,000 acre lakes have to come down 30 feet for the winter. All that water has to come rushing by my house, and it started in earnest on Monday. I got off work and told my buddy to meet me at the boat ramp. When I arrived at home, my fiancé’s car is blocking my truck and boat. I can’t find her keys and she’s not answering.......... I start trying to wiggle the boat out but finally she calls me and tells me where the keys are, my buddy has been at the ramp 30 minutes haha. When I launch the boat, I can tell the current is rolling, I say to my buddy this should push a lot of fish up onto the bank. Sounds like a good plan but we always fish the bank anyway, it’s just a narrow river channel with boat traffic up the middle. Got a dink spotted bass and dink smallmouth with a worm, I decided the skunk is gone so just throw the frog, my new favorite the booyah toad runner. I missed 3 dinks immediately then BLAM!!! Got a largemouth maybe pushing 3 lbs. I was pretty excited about that and my buddy said let’s go fish the barge ties with Texas rigs. The current was so fast I cut the motor about 100 yards upstream of them and starting drifting towards them, why not chuck the frog into a creek mouth on the way down. BLAM! I catch a largemouth a little bigger than the first one. I normally get smallmouth, I found it wild that the big wave of current ignited the largemouth. I’ll take it!
  5. Momma says alligators are ornery cuz they got all them teeth and no toothbrush
  6. I always tell customers never to worry about where squirrels go or where they are coming from, it's an exercise in futility. They will be back!
  7. Yes, I saw them get a lot of usage on the pro tours this season
  8. We are allowed to use 3 hooks in Tennessee but I hate throwing that mess
  9. @galyonj is the wacky rig master. Had some river buddies even deliver a new fishing shirt and two goose breasts out on the water. Eventful day
  10. Where did you fish?
  11. I’ve never been to either but from what I understand, old hickory is more of a shallow cover largemouth type lake, where Percy priest has a lot more big smallmouth mixed in
  12. Hahaha! Luckily I’m not there yet. My spelling is starting to go, though......
  13. Gracious. It's steamy in the middle of the night here
  14. got a meanmouth last night
  15. There are more boats than water on chickamauga Hahahaha! I'll have your finest big Mac and a 1987 Merlot
  16. What's a rod locker??? Mine are in a pile on the left side of the center console haha
  17. Yes to the first question, no to the second. My question is how did the solo seining mission with trekking poles go?
  18. Ah, one of the great mysteries of the brown bass. Here today, gone tomorrow. I just keep going day after day until I run into them again, it’s all part of the fun
  19. Alaska I sometimes encounter the big largemouth on the rivers as well
  20. This is why I want to fish the Great Lakes! On TN river, there are piles of shad super thick literally everywhere. I mean gobs and gobs in every creek arm and all over the main channel. So finding the bait is as easy as pointing out the lake on a map. Sometimes I try fishing where there’s not shad everywhere to see if I can get my lure in front of fish that aren’t stuffed to the gills. It works on occasion but it’s hard to find a spot without bait. I would love to try Lake Erie , but I have an 18.5 foot flat bottom aluminum boat so it’s kind of a pipe dream haha. I have ridden a ferry on it and almost soiled my linens.
  21. This pond doesn’t sound “perfect” to me
  22. Oh dear. So funny, that song reminded me of this
  23. I was just thinking, bass eat a jerkbait every time I throw one for an hour or so. They look like a fish!
  24. I agree. I would feel bad spending every penny, and wouldn’t sleep
  25. December is my best time year after year after year. And I have seen someone waterski by me in late December wearing a santa hat
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