Disclaimer: I don’t catch many largemouth so pardon my excitement
Crazy day. So they finally started dropping the lakes upstream of me. That means 2 (two) 30,000 acre lakes have to come down 30 feet for the winter. All that water has to come rushing by my house, and it started in earnest on Monday. I got off work and told my buddy to meet me
at the boat ramp. When I arrived at home, my fiancé’s car is blocking my truck and boat. I can’t find her keys and she’s not answering.......... I start trying to wiggle the boat out but finally she calls me
and tells me where the keys are, my buddy has been at the ramp 30 minutes haha. When I launch the boat, I can tell the current is rolling, I say to my buddy this should push a lot of fish up onto the bank. Sounds like a good plan but we always fish the bank anyway, it’s just a narrow river channel with boat traffic up the middle. Got a dink spotted bass and dink smallmouth with a worm, I decided the skunk is gone so just throw the frog, my new favorite the booyah toad runner. I missed 3 dinks immediately then BLAM!!! Got a largemouth maybe pushing 3 lbs. I was pretty excited about that and my buddy said let’s go fish the barge ties with Texas rigs. The current was so fast I cut the motor about 100 yards upstream of them and starting drifting towards them, why not chuck the frog into a creek mouth on the way down. BLAM! I catch a largemouth a little bigger than the first one. I normally get smallmouth, I found it wild that the big wave of current ignited the largemouth. I’ll take it!