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Everything posted by TnRiver46

  1. Hahaha! That's a long story but my boss was chomping at the bit. He used to work at the Knoxville zoo and had been on 3 different "big cat out" jobs. Turned out people saw a regular cat and claimed it was a tiger
  2. Pros do it all the time. Pre fishing can give you a false sense of being “on them”
  3. You’re probably better off! Haha. I have a degree in fisheries and I’m trapping skunks and delivering food
  4. @roadwarrior says also try Alabama rig, rage tail menace, and BPS tender tube #71.
  5. I’ll make ya a sweet deal on a dozen
  6. Some things I’ve encountered at work recently
  7. If it was legal to hunt my city, you could make good money. People call us constantly about fox and coyote but it’s a little too dangerous setting foot hold traps and risk catching a pet. Of course there is a leash law but stuff happens and I don’t want any part of that. You could still do ok on the outskirts of town where Its legal to shoot but most people take care of their own problems out that way. Urban areas are thicker with predators nowadays than the wilderness
  8. Sheesh, that’s wider than I always imagined it
  9. 78 degree water near my house, the warmest it will be all year. No shortage of people wearing flannels and making soup trying to rush it , though
  10. That’s a good one!!!
  11. I’ve put soft plastics in empty Folgers plastic containers for years, it works! But when you put a hook in there it ruins everything
  12. Ever drop a heavy spoon straight down and hop it around?
  13. You got me!!! if a hook rusts off my crankbait, I just pick up a jig haha.
  14. We were close! Mine was 85 Nissan pickup
  15. Awesome! You were second smallest tho haha
  16. Down here they rip into vehicles and mountain cabins . And anything else haha
  17. Well if it was, I vote Tom had most interesting first car
  18. My buddy got a nice smallie and I got......... A HERRING!!!! I did not chop down a shrubbery with the herring
  19. I believe I saw in another thread that he was replacing them at the ramp and ran into problems . I always wondered if the carpet just holds moisture on the wood longer and Causes the boards to rot faster. Thought about doing just bare lumber on mine
  20. You should a small lake management service for the folks of N Florida. Healthy fish
  21. You win!!!
  22. Took this top one loose and went to oreileys to order a spare to keep on board. Came back home and before I even put it back in, the trim was functioning up and down . What the world? Oh well time to go to the river haha.
  23. Yes that’s it and it’s plastic 100%. The up button worked magically long enough to get into the driveway then quit again. I flip flopped the two top relays and now it works perfectly. Not sure what that means but thanks for the help @Way2slow. Unfortunately listening to my buddies is my way only to get anything done as I know jack squat. He was probably telling me to do what you said and I did it wrong
  24. Ouch. I feel your pain, I wollered all over a boat ramp parking lot for half a day doing mine, and I just used wood
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