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Everything posted by TnRiver46

  1. Thanks Kent! If every player for Missouri was as skilled as Larry roundtree is, they would be very dangerous. That guy is hard to tackle!
  2. Haha! By 1 pm I shed all that and was in a t shirt . But it was mid 40s at daybreak I think
  3. Looks like you are sandwiched in between The coosa and the black warrior rivers. I’ve fished both of these and they are both pretty awesome, lots of grass and mean spotted bass. Buzzbaits at daylight and dragging worms were about all we ever did with some cranking mixed in. I also have a buddy that grew up in cullman fishing smith lake, which is deep and clear. Top waters on points and Carolina rigs are what he always mentions. Also just looking at a map, the locust fork looks like a good place to fish and the mulberry fork would be worth looking at also. Sorry im no help on taking you fishing, I’m up in TN but I do get down there a few times a year
  4. They stock a lot of Florida bass in the Tennessee River also. They rely on the Florida bass breeding with the natives and creating the F1 hybrids. Sounds like they are just going straight to the F1 stocking in Norman
  5. I have a buddy with that cooler and he loves it. Also Scott Martin endorses Engel coolers
  6. I’m sure I know a fella or two but simply looking at a map will put you where you need to be. Joe fox and Tyler fogarty dabble in the outdoors and have a good realty business (Fox and Fogarty) . I also know a good realtor out of maryville, known him since knee high. @tnbeardedrealtor on Instagram our shop is in NW Knoxville, in karns. Melton hill is the closest lake but fort Loudon isn’t far and neither is watts bar. I bought my house based on boat ramp proximity so I smell what you’re stepping in
  7. What about the regular James river? Sorry, just kidding
  8. Nothing is ever black and white, bass don’t always do the same thing from hour to hour day to day. Just fish it and see how it goes!
  9. Hahaha. It was 43 when I woke up today. Every window in the house was open and it still wasn’t bad
  10. I got a weird tail fish yesterday. Maybe it’s like when your dogs get old and have little bumps on them
  11. Typically full moon fishing is very bad for me but I got a nice 19” smallmouth yesterday evening when it was extremely full
  12. They bite them really well with split shot or jighead. A lot of minnows are naturally down in the rocks feeding on aquatic insect nymphs. The only downside is getting stuck on bottom
  13. I usually don’t catch anything on a full moon but I caught a nice 19” Thursday evening
  14. I eat chili all summer
  15. That depends on your definition of “really cold”
  16. Need a bounce back from the cubs today
  17. I’ve beat the heck out of that boat since I was about 6 years old. Got it stuck on a waterfall once! To my knowledge only one rivet has ever been knocked out since it rolled off the assembly line
  18. I’ve got no clue what they are, but they are overkill hahaha
  19. Especially for being in the mountains
  20. Put an 1/8 oz round ball head inside a strike king bitsy tube. Not some expensive tube insert head or ned head or anything ewg, just a cheap round 1/8 oz head with a small hook. If you aren't catching smallies with that, I would be shocked. Many many times I've had 18-20" smallies busting shad all around me and couldn't catch them on top water spooks or wake baits. Throw the tube and reeled as fast as possible just under the surface, bam! Smallies in the boat
  21. I throw tube from 45 degree water to 80 degree water. Fish it from the top down to 50 feet
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