I got skunked Sunday evening and Thursday evening last week. Luckily got one smallie Saturday morning and lost a big one from my hand Or it would have been 3 in a row. Happens to everyone, skunks actually make me much more determined to fish (if that’s even possible)
All I use is a #1 hook and a bullet sinker. Tie the hook on via Palomar knot and leave a long tag end. Tie the bullet weight onto the tag end and viola, drop shot. Never understood using “special sinker” for it when I already have a boat load of sinkers that sink just fine
Yep! And I like eating alligators in Florida also. The pond fishing is second to none in that state. I’ve fished around gators a whole bunch, yet to be eaten. It helps when you aren’t walking a toy dog on a leash near the waters edge
I live in Knoxville, People surprisingly still make all that stuff! you just have to end up sitting around the right campfire with the right old timers. You won’t find them for sale on their webpage! Hahaha
I paddled a perception outlaw the other day and it was a bear. I was paddling twice as hard as my fiancé and she was leaving me in the dust. It felt like I could do a cartwheel on it though, I stood up through some rough waves and rapids
Those Alabama spots are mean enough to eat the bag the senkos come in. I’ve never fished Martin but I get them good with junebug and chartreuse stick baits in the muddy Alabama river . If your water is clear I might try a green pumpkin
Grab white bass like this and they freeze, I mean they will not move a muscle and you can catch 75-100 with minimal hand damage. I survive on white bass fillets all winter and spring
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