I’ve got no clue what you mean
i like backreel, it helps for diving smallmouth in deep water
I’m not the only one, sorry if it makes people contrary. I’m not telling anyone not to use drag
news flash: the drag is still set when you backreel
I caught some bass on drop shot the first time I ever tried it, then again I have never tried it while bank fishing. I’ve seen a dock in a lot of your pics, maybe try dropping it straight down next to the dock posts?
You guys crack me up. Injured? Get real! Every single pro thumbs the spool when they have a bass over 2 lb or better bass on a treble hook bait. ALL OF THEM. Why? In order to not lose the fish. All the people on the forum trust drag but all the guys with money on the line don't??? They trust their instincts that are screaming "let him have more line"
Call it what you may and bust as many balls as you need, I can reel backwards faster than the drag can let line out. If you don't like back reel, why hang out in this thread???
Sure do see a lot of pros stripping drag off by hand , seems like they want more line out in those instances
That's your tale, I'm sitting on mine....
Loosen your drag enough to spin as fast as the rotor disengaged and you will catch zero fish
I still have 2 knuckle buster baitcaster reels that the handle spins backwards when you cast
How is a cheetah faster than an elephant? It just is.
it only takes one time of forgetting to keep your hand on the reel handle to realize just how fast it can spin backwards
If you watch almost any professional, most of them disengage the spool on a baitcaster when a big fish is near the boat. I guess all those pros are just stupid for not trusting their drag? Maybe it's their outdated baitcasters?
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