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Everything posted by TnRiver46

  1. Going for smallmouth/striper busting baitfish
  2. Unfortunately the people programming the driverless cars are the same people that don’t know the rules of the road
  3. 35-45 you’ll be fine in the bibs they sell at academy, h20 express. If you fish in the rain a lot, might want to look into goretex. When it’s pouring I wear my car hart rubber bibs
  4. I don’t know, I’ve been presenting a whopper plopper quite well for the last couple years with no fish
  5. Nice fish!
  6. The one on the right looks more British to me
  7. At least it all goes downstream haha
  8. Some of my buddies are braver than others.......... Others stand safely down below the gunnels and are rewarded only with carp....... I’ve been known to sit up on the bow with a canoe paddle when I’m solo fishing and “skull” my way around and some buddies even dare attempt driving it through the rapids
  9. I’ve had that happen to every single brand of any hard bait I’ve ever bought. Must be a weather thing around here (humid?)
  10. The jointed hardbaits made by h20 express (academy sports brand) have caught me some nice fish and are under $10 . They have a more slender shad shaped one I do better with but the sunfish also works
  11. In the south, the ned rig gets stuck on branches every cast........ I think the difference is the lack of natural lakes down south. I don’t think there’s anywhere in the southeast that’s a bowl shaped body of water with a sandy bottom. Everything is a river or big deep reservoir full of mud, rocks, and logs (and current)
  12. Get your sunscreen and flip flops out of storage and it will snow again!
  13. It’s a wild ride haha Had a buddy fall off there while fishing once
  14. Indeed. The original engine is with a buddy of mine up in Maine, it was a 57 Johnson seahorse 7.5 hp. I put that mud motor on about 2012 maybe, those harbor freight motors are way better than they should be . I let mine sit for 2 years and it fired right up . A buddy of mine sank a boat and his still works after he dried it all out
  15. Hand me down from papaw. Just put a new transom in
  16. They might get better with jimmy G out
  17. don’t know if it counts as a swimbait but this thing does serious damage I knew a guy that would pour the swim baits on the top and bottom of this pic in any size/color but he retired.
  18. I wish we had them! I ate one in Alaska where they wanted rid of them. Flaky white meat! I just filleted like any other fish and ate around the Y bones with a fork
  19. Hahahah! If that was LMB we would all breathe a little easier
  20. We don’t have any real lakes, all water rolls downhill and into the same river. Largemouth taste great here are carp are awful . I’ve never heard anyone say largemouth were bad while they were actually eating it. Everyone says it at the ramps in a feeble attempt to save their “precious” from being supper kind of a different point of view, I respect a fish that feeds me far more than one that doesn’t. So just because I kill them doesn’t mean I don’t love/respect them. Just food for thought after reading posts saying bass were so beloved they couldn’t eat one. I eat them BECAUSE I love them.
  21. Those two species taste the same, something was awry
  22. ^sweet rig!!! Thanks for that, will do new carpet next time I launch my bigger boat
  23. I would be interested in hearing if anyone has tried lumber without carpet
  24. Illegal to sell almost any fish in Tennessee but it happens all the time
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