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Everything posted by TnRiver46

  1. Hindsight: I should have trained to be a boat motor mechanic after high school
  2. It's a lot harder to drink any of those Kool aid's when you are broke! Mono and lead aren't broke so I don't fix them . I also have a single cab pickup truck with manual transmission manual windows and manual locks if that tells you anything haha
  3. Husky jerk is what I throw, just pop it along a little quicker in summer. A floating bait can also be good for summer if fish are in the top 5 feet of the water column
  4. Glad you got out, nice job catching during a tough bite! I might go follow some egrets around this afternoon
  5. He should fit in pretty well, great on camera personality always smiling
  6. Got me a nice 4 lb 10 oz largemouth on a jerkbait in swift water. 6 lb line on a spinning reel! I had to backreel a ton of line when the current caught the boat, thought we had a huge trout or walleye
  7. Tobasco is my favorite thing to dip fries in. Is that weird?
  8. There’s coyotes that walk the streets of downtown Chicago, it’s pretty wild! They had video of some that learned to watch for crossing traffic but I digress!! I recall my first over estimate bass weight phenomenon. When I was about 13 I caught one I knew was 5 lbs and it was 3.5
  9. I was tagging along with my cousin when I was a youngster on a deer hunt. We saw a bobcat and it disappeared pretty quick but we followed its tracks in the snow for quite some time. As you said, it went from log to log all the way through the woods
  10. It reminds me of the one that is always sitting on my retaining wall wagging its tail. I’ve got 3 barking dogs and he/she knows they are stuck in the fence and just taunts them haha
  11. Never heard of it
  12. If you do happen to fish some live bluegill, the hardest part is getting the hook to transfer from bluegill to bass. This is a low percentage landing endeavor. Almost guaranteed to get bit but the bass spits the bluegill probably well over half the time when it jumps. Two techniques have worked for me: 1) circle hook and let them swim across the pond with the fish in their mouth, taking it away from competitors. Then the bass will try to swallow the bluegill head first, usually repositioning the bluegill in its throat. The bass comes off during this stage a lot! Method 2) big ole regular hook and attempt to jack the hook set as soon as the bass engulfs it. I haven’t necessarily kept track but I feel like this works better. We have successfully transferred #20 size zebra midges from bluegill mouth to bass mouths with 5 weight fly rods, wouldn’t recommend that method!
  13. You should hear people talk about terrestrial wildlife! Every animal is the biggest (insert species) that everyone has ever seen I was fishing with some buddies on the Holston River one time and a regular size coyote was standing on the bank. You should’ve heard them try to talk through what that was! To this day they still talk about the time we saw a donkey wolf the size of a grizzly
  14. Eagle claw line , it’s a mile for $3. I only have braid on one rod and don’t do leaders . I got a mile of 6,8,10, and 12 years and years ago. The spools seem to never end but if they do, it’s only $3 for another mile
  15. A lot of the graves in East TN are underwater. They dug up as many as they could before the dams were completed but several were flooded
  16. I feel like it hits triple digits a lot of places more often than Florida. There’s some spots in the Midwest that seem to be upper 90s to 100 fairly often in summer . Georgia and Alabama have always felt like the hottest places on the face of the earth to me
  17. For me personally, the price! I’m still using the same 4 spools of mono I bought when I was like 24 for a total of $12 (I’m 36 now). I doubt I’ve spent $100 on line in my entire life and I fish way more than 99% of the population
  18. Fort Myers . And they ended up fried!
  19. A lot of rules are just silly. My buddy kills hogs for the govt to protect agriculture. They have to leave them laying there! Protecting food by leaving a bunch of dead food laying around, makes sense??!!
  20. Gotta have about a gallon of water to drink on the full days! I can deal with forgetting anything else
  21. I’ve witnessed the valves adjusted on my fiancé’s car and on my Honda clone boat motor, pretty cool process that I might be able to handle solo now
  22. Haha!!! You and me both. Winter in Iowa, that one got me good!!! When I go to Florida, it’s because my mother insists we take a trip down there every now and again (and she pays for the lodging and let’s me put a canoe on her car haha). When me and the fiancé go to the ocean, we camp in a tent with the ticks and mosquitos.........
  23. Go to FLA! fishing is better in winter where I live but it gets dark at 6 so by the time you get off work it’s all over
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