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Everything posted by TnRiver46

  1. Another year of slacking off. When are you ever gonna get serious and catch some bass??
  2. Lots of stuff biting . I’m thankful !
  3. I still do this all the time, but I am always slightly concerned on what the last thing I did with my knife was ........
  4. That’s a fine specimen, ours are always rail thin until dead of winter
  5. Hahah! And I still don’t have it
  6. I have fallen asleep and kind of messed up several things so I see where you are coming from there. My buddy that has 3 kids puts meat on the electric before work and it’s ready when he gets home. He puts everything on there another couple of forum members that run meat smokers are @lo n sloand @NorcalBassin, ironically both spotted bass aficionados
  7. Which part of the deer are you smoking? I usually cook deer for about 3 minutes haha! I love running a smoker, I use the cylinder style that you just build a fire in . Electric is awesome but who doesn’t love piddling with a fire all day??? I also chop up my own wood chips, gives me something to do while watching the fire. Smoked trout dip is awesome! My fiancé’s family has apple trees but they are in Ohio so I get some apple branches maybe once a year. There’s hickory everywhere in Tennessee so that’s what I typically use. Cherry, pear, pecan, and oak also work well and are typically laying around somewhere nearby. I’ve never tried maple? Seems like fruit/nut type wood works the best. I just remembered , smoked white bass is very tasty and keeps for a week or two. It reminds me of the smoked whitefish that I’ve bought at the markets on Lake Michigan
  8. I agree. About one out of a thousand video game fish will actually bite . You can also video game fish with a 2D graph that cost about $100, works great for crappie
  9. I’m going to work for about an hour or two then fish until mid afternoon. Still going to moms but only 3 of us so no need to get there at 4 am and slice taters
  10. I thought this was a conference call about zoom worms........
  11. Haha! I’ll just have to agree to disagree there. I enjoy it
  12. Trolling has been illegal in tournaments for........... ever
  13. TnRiver46


  14. Yote has to eat too!
  15. Drag a tube
  16. Hahahaha no man that busts wood is wimpy. Fish just like nasty weather instead of bluebird
  17. I will be out during and after thanksgiving and it better be nasty!
  18. Those jokers will strike fear into your heart! Those and hornets
  19. I have nothing to offer anywhere near as helpful as Logan , but After reading your question I was reminded of a video I saw. It was a couple pros sitting around after practice and somebody was talking about how much they graphed during practice. One of the guys spoke up and said “you might want to at least flip a few boat docks or something.” I’m not big into tournaments but it’s easy to get caught up scanning around even for me. But if I see something good on there I’m fishing it! Then you can get caught up fishing all over different spots that look good on the graph but simply don’t produce. Sometimes just relying on instincts and ability will put more fish in the boat. Lots of tourneys are won with electronics but there’s probably just as many won by people fishing to their strengths and catching 5 nice bass
  20. CLEARLY, you have never mowed over yellow jackets
  21. Cool deal.
  22. Well that’s not going to fix my boat now is it??????
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