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Everything posted by TnRiver46

  1. Sure as heck looks like them to me. They space out about that distance, crappie and white bass will be stacked up pretty thick
  2. You could also just toss them into a cooler full of ice
  3. I’m glad Scott made it so we get an inside look at the tour through his cameras!
  4. Oh ok I gotcha! Yes I recall your other DD well I just read that wrong
  5. Awesome! But....... if it’s the second DD this week........... let’s see the first one too! Sounds like you’re on em!
  6. Hahahaha love that scene. “Sounds broken........” “most likely, sir”
  7. I can get you some! We even have a some skunk hats
  8. Sugar drinks, fake sugar drinks, and lack of water I think
  9. Tim the tool man Taylor has the answer to your inquiry
  10. Yeah that’s a little overboard. Every single client I’ve ever taken out has their phone on for pictures . Also it’s a little insulting, like I can’t remember where we were with my brain??? I can travel to fishing locations by smell
  11. Alligator is one of my favorite foods , had some last weekend. The tail is a little chewy but still good, the belly meat strips have always been my favorite
  12. My cousin used to work at brushy mountain and had a clicker they counted the prisoners with that he would take on smallmouth canoe floats to keep track
  13. If I didn’t have one, I’d be constantly doing whatever I needed to do to buy one. I’m poor folk and I’ve got like 7-8.......... and I’d take a few more! It’s a hopeless addiction
  14. Night crawlers will always catch a channel
  15. Hahah! I think San Francisco leads the nation in hoodie sales
  16. My feet NEARLY got wet
  17. Here’s the grizzly scene in my front yard ............. A view of the dry valley against the snowy mountains And some bucks my fiancé photographed in the smokies today
  18. Merely suggestions, you’ll be fine!
  19. I’ve almost got the world record skipjack herring several times hahaha! What an honor that would be....... I bet catfishermen use the world record skipjack for cut bait once a month!
  20. You are spot on as usual @Paul RobertsRoberts. You don't have to actually reel backwards, the fish does that. The angler just keeps the line tight. Unfortunately most people would just rather poke fun than try to understand or even crazier actually attempt it. Oh well, their loss. If back reel was something new they would be all over it like a brand new restaurant! When to know you are really dialed in with spinning gear: with the drag set AND back reeling
  21. Nice fish! Now I’m hungry
  22. Ah, thank you sir. I’ve never been there but from what I understand it’s always tough unless it’s a blizzard . They have an under 16 over 21 slot right now that makes the tournament weights very odd.
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