I just got done redoing mine, I haven’t painted the wood (yet). I just had to take it fishing! I think I saw marine grade paint at ace hardware last time I was in there. I’m hoping to paint mine red if I can find one to somewhat match the original color (1957)
Thanks! I have more from that day of exploring but in the spirit of the topic heading I’ll just leave the one for today. I also found a picture of that waterfall frozen online when I looked up how tall it is
Went into NC last weekend to do some hiking and the good ole gate across the road had other plans. But we found a waterfall and some other cool stuff! This was mingo falls at 120 feet tall
Have mercy on us all ..........
Every now and then I walk into my local watering hole and my buddy Calvin says “I can tell you didn’t fish today, because you don’t stink! “
Ask any canine or swine
You know about electric motors too?? Sometimes I wish I lived next door to you.......... just kidding I would drive you crazy with all my boat problems
Yeah I caught everything with that. I saw a walleye caught also! Good time of year for tail waters. I just buy jig heads and tie hair on with thread, easy peezy
@Jigfishn10, you are hilarious! I better have squirrel caught near that dam tomorrow or I’m gonna have to work the weekend......... and if I’m working the weekend I’m stopping at the dam of course! And I forgot to mention the lake house needs a toilet valve and gutters cleaned................ probably leave a minnow out while doing that............. I’ll be covered up in drums if I keep working!!
Passed a dam while working and saw a lot of cars in the parking lot, something must be biting.........
got 2 drum, one striper, one white bass and lost a big crappie at my feet, all in about 40 minutes. Used a hair jig I tied in olive/grey and tipped it with Bobby garland baby shad.
I’ll keep ya in mind this winter!
back to the topic, I like Glenn’s theory. As you’ve seen on recent tournament trails, fall time is tougher fishing in the south so it would be a great time to do maintenance. Unfortunately, my friends and I just skip maintenance and go fishing 365..........
Spring is when everyone is fishing their 2 times a year! Haha. I’ll go with ya when it’s freezing . We always call the first warm Saturday in spring “amateur day” and watch people try to launch. Don’t the big monster bronzebacks bite in Jan-Feb?
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