For some reason when I woke up today I felt like I should target smallmouth instead of white bass or trout. I was driving upstream and passed the massive school of white bass without stopping.............. (rare for me) .............. and then I saw an impressive sunrise and knew it would be a good day
On my way upstream I saw some repeated splashing like something was busting a shad. I decided to cut the motor and investigate with the jerkbait (rattlin rogue). First cast and BLAM! 19” fat smallmouth. Decided to target smallies and that happens on first cast?? I nearly retired for the day but glad I didn’t.
(^same fish in both those pics )
After taking pictures and measurements I motor back upstream to try that again and hook up, a 17-18” looking smallmouth jumps off. A few more drifts and no luck, my buddies say they are upriver a ways so I drive up there to listen to the basketball game with them. They start catching fish immediately while beached to let the dog run, dragging bottom baits. I figure I’ll try the jerkbait, nice fat 17.9999” smallmouth bites it.
We floated down a ways, my buddies catching some smaller fish and I hooked up a big one on a jointed swimbait that pulled off. Picked the rogue back up and got dinner !
my buddies took off and I tried dragging one more spot with one of @Bluebasser86shakey heads and hooked up another 19”
(^same fish in the last two pics )
got soaked With rain on the way back to the ramp but it was worth it